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Virtualized Environment Retirement


I have the following hosts that need protection. With the upcoming retirement of Sophos for Virtual Environments (, what Sophos product should I install on these? Or are they now considered completely unsupported)? Am I understanding correctly that we are supposed to install Server agent - and it will work on all these virtualization environments? 

VMWare ESXi Version 7

Citrix NetScaler

VMWare vCenter Server Appliance 7

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Sophos for Virtual Environments didn't directly protect the Virtual Machine hosting solution - it protected the VMs inside that solution. So, the Windows Servers and Endpoints you spun up inside the ESXi or HyperV instance.

    Sophos for VE was created when there was a difference in performance between our full endpoint solution and the requirements for a virtual server. However, we have improved the performance of our endpoint and server solutions to the point that the specific need that Sophos for VE was addressing isn't relevant anymore. So, yes, as per the table in that article we suggest migration to SVRCIXA - Central Server Intercept X Advanced for servers hosted as virtual machines.

    If you are looking to directly protect the hosting virtualization server - that is a more in depth conversation that leverages our MDR and NDR solutions to allow for a more hands-on solution and response actions. If you're interested in exploring that offering - we can provide you with resources on that offering.