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PDQ Deploy - Trying and failing to deploy SOPHOS Intercept X Endpoint without eventual failures

Is anyone else currently having issues with deploying SOPHOS Intercept X Endpoint from PDQ Deploy?

I opened a ticket with support and they were not able to help much, so I figured I would see if anyone else here has had issues with it?

I referred to this older post to get my initial settings: Deploy Sophos Central endpoint with PDQ Inventory - Discussions - Intercept X Endpoint - Sophos Community

But with the post being dead, I was unable to follow up on it. Here are my symptoms:

  • Deploy Sophos Intercept X with the EXE from our SOPHOS Central portal.
  • The PDQ install uses the `--quiet` parameter and the install is done via the Domain Admin currently which has rights.
  • The install says it is successful and the Endpoint agent is installed.
  • After a day the SOPHOS Update and Management Communication both have a red circle with a white `X` in them and nothing will update.
  • Disabling TP and then running sophossetup.exe --registeronly does not correct the errors with the Management Communication and Updater.
  • The only way to correct the issue is to disable TP, uninstall SOPHOS, run SOPHOS zap, and then manually reinstall.

If I manually install SOPHOS as the user logged in with admin rights, I do not have this problem.

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