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Error de Instalación

Alguien más a tenido este problema instalando Sophos Intercept X y como lo ha solucionado? 
E intentando realizar la instalación desde la cuenta Administrador de equipo, Administrador de Dominio, descargue nuevamente el paquete de instalación desde la consola pero no e tenido buenos resultados, el equipo no tiene restricciones de conexión a Internet. 

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  • Gracias Qoosh por tu apoyo, la solución era un poco más práctica. 

    Segui los pasos de este enlace y logre solventar, la instalación se realizo correctamente. 


  • From the original log, the issue was the inability to get the initial policy.

    The 900 seconds (15 minutes) can be seen between the first "Attempt to retrieve policy" and the last "Attempt to retrieve policy" 15 minutes later before erroring.

    From the log, we can see the initial ability to get the endpoint ID, so communication was working to AWS.  It could be a temporary problem and that just re-running the installer would have been enough. Changing the name of the computer as detailed in the article will just ensure that the computer gets a new endpoint id.

    Maybe another computer with the same endpoint ID, if you are using images, where computers somehow have the same ep id, pulled the updating policy for this client before it had the chance? Seen unlikely.  The new ID may have helped but it could have just been a temporary glitch.

    2022-03-17T15:14:21.3658080Z INFO : Retrieved endpoint id: 80ac05b6-2da1-2489-1aac-b576f1278056
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : Attempt to retrieve policy.
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : Sending HTTP 'GET' request to: sophos/management/ep/install/commands/applications/APPSPROXY;ALC/endpoint/80ac05b6-2da1-2489-1aac-b576f1278056
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : Request content size: 0
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : ValidateFileCertificateCheck: Validate certificate against file on WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : Subject certificate failed validation against root CA: SophosCA1
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5688629Z INFO : Subject certificate failed validation against root CA: SophosCA2
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5844868Z INFO : Certificate check succeeded
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.5844868Z INFO : ValidateFileCertificateCheck: Ignore WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.6469645Z INFO : Response status code: 200
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.6469645Z INFO : Response data size: 140
    2022-03-17T15:14:22.6469645Z INFO : No policy assignment command; wait for policy to render
    15 mins
    2022-03-17T15:29:41.0143462Z INFO : No policy assignment command; wait for policy to render
    2022-03-17T15:29:46.0314178Z ERROR : RegisterCommand::onRun standard exception: Failed to retrieve policy within 900 seconds
    2022-03-17T15:29:46.0314178Z INFO : Command 'Register' completed with failure with reboot code '0' and error message 'No se ha podido registrar con Sophos Central'.
    2022-03-17T15:29:46.0314178Z ERROR : Installation failed.