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Intercept X cloud integration

Hi all,

I have a customer who is currently using Sophos Endpoint but is interested in Intercept X. However, due to data protection concerns, the customer would like to know in advance what data will be transfered to the cloud by Intercept X.

Can someone tell me what data will be transfered from Intercept X to the cloud or if there is a document available with all the details? Is there an on premise version of Intercept X available?

Best regards,


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  • Hi Richard,

    Assuming that you're going to install the Central endpoint package on the system. The Answer is Yes. Right after the installation you've made, the endpoint will automatically check the current policy configured on the central and apply it right away to the device. And for Any existing device which is already configured on central. The policy change will take effect in a couple of minutes around 2-5 min. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

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