This will take two inputs the URL for the location of the YARA rule and the path you want to run the YARA search.
/********************************************************************************************\ | The admin will supply the URL for an online YARA file and path to search | \********************************************************************************************/ -- YARA SCANNER FROM ON-LINE YARA RULES GIT REPO -- VARIABLE $$Search File Path$$ FILE PATH -- VARIABLE $$YARA File URL$$ URL WITH -- Get the relevant YARA Signature Rules Signature_Rules(Yara_Rule_URL, Yara_Sig_Rule ) AS ( SELECT '$$YARA File URL$$' Yara_Rule_URL, CAST('/*'||'$$YARA File URL$$'||'*/'||result AS TEXT) Yara_Sig_Rule-- Insert the URL for the RULE into the Rule (HACK) We need it for the displayed results FROM curl WHERE url = '$$YARA File URL$$' ) SELECT replace(replace(path, rtrim(path, replace(path, '/', '')), ''), rtrim(replace(path, rtrim(path, replace(path, '/', '')), ''), replace(replace(path, rtrim(path, replace(path, '/', '')), ''), '\', '')), '') File_Name, matches, count, path, replace(SPLIT(sigrule,'*\',1), rtrim(SPLIT(sigrule,'*\',1), replace(SPLIT(sigrule,'*\',1), '/', '')), '') YARA_File, '$$YARA File URL$$' YARA_Rule_URL FROM yara WHERE Path LIKE '$$Search File Path$$' AND sigrule IN (SELECT Yara_Sig_Rule FROM Signature_Rules) ORDER BY count DESC, matches ASC, YARA_File ASC, File_Name ASC
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