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How to remove SophosAmsiProvider.dll

I used the trial version some time ago to get to know the tool and we ended up not continuing.
The application has already been removed, but the SophosAmsiProvider.dll file is still on the computer and in use, as I cannot remove it.

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  • Hi,

    You may run Sophos ZAP on your system to totally remove all Sophos components and services. You may refer to this link for instructions 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • Hello.

    I ran the application and it ran normally. I restarted the computer and when I went to run it again the following message appeared:
    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.499Z 10868 INFO: ==== Started C: \\ Users \\ rafael.nunes.adm \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp \\ SophosZap-1104461262 \\ SophosZapHelper.exe = ===

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.499Z 10868 INFO: Running version 1.0.1853.0

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.503Z 10868 INFO: Parent process ID: 7952

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.503Z 10868 INFO: Running Zap functionality on 64 bit operating system

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.503Z 10868 INFO: Intialising COM subsystem.

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.505Z 10868 INFO: Performing prerequisite checks.

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.506Z 10868 ERROR: Zap exception. Exception message = 'AdjustTokenPrivileges (last error, SeBackupPrivilege)' failed. Code = system: 1300: Not all privileges or groups mentioned are assigned to the caller. \ R \ n

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.506Z 10868 INFO: Outcome error flag: 1

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.506Z 10868 INFO: Outcome reboot required: 0

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.506Z 10868 INFO: Summary of errors, see above for details:

    2021-03-16T14: 19: 20.506Z 10868 INFO: Failure reason: Zap exception

    Remembering that I am running with the same admin user as before.

  • Thank you for your response, One of the reasons why you get this kind of return error was due to some components still present on the system. I would suggest you boot your system on safe mode and re-run the ZAP tool. let us know if the issue still persist. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • Thank you for your response, One of the reasons why you get this kind of return error was due to some components still present on the system. I would suggest you boot your system on safe mode and re-run the ZAP tool. let us know if the issue still persist. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
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