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ActiveX Control plugin for IE causing locking up

We use WebVideoActiveX Control plugin on IE for our CCTV systems web portals.

Since installing Sophos Endpoint, trying to do anything on the web portals is causing massive browser lockup and can take a long time to load.

Is there anything i can do to get this back to working normally? 

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  • It really depends on how the plugin works.  Is this Windows 10?  Have you tried adding a website exclusion (global settings) for Sometimes these plugins communicate with the browser over loopback.  Is this a cloud service or a local address the browser is connecting to?  In the same exclusion place, you can add the IP of the intranet address.  That will take web protection/control out of the equation for that site.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to Sophos User930

    I highly discourage a loopback exclusion - this is a large security degradation and should only be done in rare specific circumstances. 

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  • It's pretty low risk. It would only prevent a file being served from a local "web server" process over HTTP being scanned before hitting the browser.  Assuming the file being served wasn't coming from an excluded location the web server process wouldn't have been able to read the file to serve it as real-time scanning would have blocked it. Hard to say if it would help in this scenario without knowing how the software works and what the issue is,