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[Advisory] MacOS 11 "Big Sur" is not supported (Central and On-Premise Endpoint).

Hello Community,


This article provides information about support for macOS 11 Big Sur.

Endpoint Protection does not support macOS 11 (Big Sur) yet. Please do not upgrade until we announce support for it. We will have an Early Access Program (EAP) available soon.

Applies to the following Sophos product(s) and version(s)
Central Mac Endpoint,
Sophos Enterprise Console Managed - Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac OS X,
Central Device Encryption for Mac

Operating systems
macOS 11 "Big Sur"


Support for macOS 11

Apple macOS 11 is released on the 12th of November, however, it is not yet supported for Endpoint Protection by Sophos.

Upgrading to macOS 11 will result in endpoint protection being disabled. We strongly recommend that customers do not upgrade any macOS clients running Endpoint Protection to macOS Big Sur at this time.

The EAP for Sophos Central is targeted for the week of Nov. 23rd, 2020, pending final testing.  The EAP will run through our Sophos Community with details to follow.

On-premise customers will also get a version of endpoint protection that is supported on macOS 11 but will not have access to an EAP or Preview ahead of full support.

Central Device Encryption (CDE) for Mac version 1.5.3 supports macOS 11 Big Sur. This was rolled out recently but bear in mind that if you use both Endpoint and CDE you will still need to wait before upgrading to Big Sur.

ARM-based CPUs are not currently supported. They require macOS 11 and additional testing and requirements. Sophos will support ARM-based CPUs, however, the details of that support will be provided at a later date.

Next update

The next update will be when the EAP becomes available. ETA: week of 23 November 2020

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