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Sophos endpoint agent fail to uninstall

Hi People,

Please help, i have tried severally to uninstall Sophos Intercept X endpoint agent from a server with the aim of reinstalling it, but the agent failed to uninstall, i tried several times then i didnt see it in my programs again but the services are still running though it is not getting updates. And the agent has been deleting certain applications despite having exempted them on Sophos Central.

I was thinking this could be as a result of issue with the update cache on the server the devices are getting updates from.

Please assist.

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  • Hi Kayode,

    There should be a Sophos Agent Uninstall log located in %temp%.  If you scroll to the bottom of this there should be a component that failed to uninstall.  Can you share us a copy of the failed uninstall log?  It should also be located in %temp%.

  • Hi Kayode,

    There should be a Sophos Agent Uninstall log located in %temp%.  If you scroll to the bottom of this there should be a component that failed to uninstall.  Can you share us a copy of the failed uninstall log?  It should also be located in %temp%.

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