Live Discover - "Invalid operation error". DataLake community query failing


I've been scheduling the two Live Discover DataLake Mitre queries that Karl posted as part of the March SophSkills. Initially these worked great, however, now that I have completed my rollout of the latest Core Agent to all Endpoints & Servers both queries consistently fail. I guess I have just short of 1800 devices in total now on the latest clients.

I see errors like this, my customer ID has been intentionally deleted:

"Invalid operation due to 'Query failed (#20210606_230037_01239_8dska): Error reading tail from s3://data-series-shared-eu-west-1-prod-xdr-datalake/mergedSymlinkFiles/xdr_data_global/customer_id=deleted-by-me/stream_ingest_date=2021-06-06/endpoint_type=computer/3ef6f2fe-b28d-4065-b2ce-7073f9ec8560_1623015062336_77658137.prq with length 16384'".

When these started failing I went through the queries and commented out a load of lines in the hope of getting them to run faster and successfully. Initially this worked, however, now that I have all my devices protected by latest Core Agent they are failing again. Looks like they fail between 10 to 15 minutes after starting.

If there anything I can do other than split these queries up into smaller batches? Are there any planned improvements coming that may allow me to run these queries successfully?

Anybody here with 2000+ clients successfully running these two community Mitre DataLake queries?

Many thanks.