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Removing an encrypted HDD

Hey All,

I was wondering has anyone has had an issue when they removed the drive and placed it back into the same laptop they couldn't access it again  ?

So let me explain a little more: I have to upgrade the RAM on the laptop but part of the frame was attached to the HDD. I had to remove the HDD first before getting there. after all of that I couldn't get back into the drive.


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  • Hi There,

    Thank you for reaching us, first of all before we proceed on upgrading/replacing any hardware on an encrypted system. It is Advisable to decrypt the disk first as introducing new hardware on the system will render your access to the system. Can confirm if you tried applying the recovery key on the system? Have your tried reverted back to the old ram? where you able to access the machine once again?

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

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  • So , This wasnt really upgrading - I have upgraded RAM on these devices and that has gone fine, But lets say for example motherboard on the laptop dies - I need to recover that data on that drive ? How is this possible ?

    Also lets say i remove the HDD and put it back on the same MB it doesnt even ask for bitlocker its just black screens.

  • So , This wasnt really upgrading - I have upgraded RAM on these devices and that has gone fine, But lets say for example motherboard on the laptop dies - I need to recover that data on that drive ? How is this possible ?

    Also lets say i remove the HDD and put it back on the same MB it doesnt even ask for bitlocker its just black screens.

  • You can slave this HDD on a working machine. Then this hdd will ask for recovery key, get the recovery key for the said drive to your central device encryption window or safeguard management control if your using onprem version on managing your encryption.

    After you successfully entered the recovery key. You may decrypt the drive/HDD for you to be able to retrive the data. 

    On the machine where this hdd came from, you can do anything with it you can replace any harware and can put back the hdd once the encryption has been removed. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to RyanHosiassohn

    As a general note, any system change will trigger a lock. This is to prevent someone stealing a HDD and plugging into another rig to try and crack it.