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Error when booting on an iMac

Good afternoon,

We are experiencing the attached errors on boot up with an iMac.

Can you please advise?

Thanks and kind regards, Dan Petford

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  • Hello!

    Is it just the one iMac? The issue is that the SSL cert on the server is either not configured properly (perhaps missing intermediate certs), or you've not added the local certs to the Mac and trusted them. 

    The Mac clients are much more fussy about SSL, so things need to be spot on on the server. If it's a public cert (and not an internal one) then it's a little easier, but it it's internal - best to install the cert into the Keychain on the Mac and "Always Trust" the cert.

  • Hello!

    Is it just the one iMac? The issue is that the SSL cert on the server is either not configured properly (perhaps missing intermediate certs), or you've not added the local certs to the Mac and trusted them. 

    The Mac clients are much more fussy about SSL, so things need to be spot on on the server. If it's a public cert (and not an internal one) then it's a little easier, but it it's internal - best to install the cert into the Keychain on the Mac and "Always Trust" the cert.
