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New Firmware issue "Gateway"


we are having trouble in one of our gateway after updating the firmware. the type of gateway having issue is PPPOE, zone name WAN.


The scenario is before i update the latest firmware for CR25iNG version 10.6.6 MR-2 our internet connection is very fast and stable but when i finished updating the firmware, it becomes unstable, usually when i am pinging it gives us low latency. Now after updating, high latency and we are getting only internet speed of 7mbps from 100mbps. i test the router connected to that gateway, works fine. nobody download/upload from the net during testing and pinging. when i downgrade the latest firmware and restore all the configuration from the backup, same result. it gives us unstable internet connection.Please help me figure this out. This is urgent.

Awaiting for your immediate response.


Thank you


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