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[BUG] XG v16/17 PPPOE doesn't endlessly tries to reconnect

Hi All,

i have a weird issue concerning clients with xDSL lignes, with a modem bridged and connected to wan port of the XG.

There are more and complains about internet failures (different clients, different DSL providers, different modems), and in most of the cases the pppoe Wan port status is "Disconnected".

Just by clikcing on "connect" connection goes up immediatly !

Is there a way to force the XG to retry enlessly to reconnect ?! (which should be a basic thing !!!!)

Thanks !

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    Thank you for this update, i hope this issue will be quickly and seriously solved !

  • Hey


    Add in that this issue also affects V18 MR1-396 also


    Gavin Daniels. DipIT(Networking)


  • hi 

    just had the failure, again and again.

     Step 1 / WAN port is Disconnected whithout ANY obvious reason !

    Step 2 / Just clic on the "Connect Now" without doing NOTHING else (NO modem restart, NO lack of xDSL sync...)

    Step 3 / a few seconds later :


    It's now URGENT we get a solution !

  • Hello Guillaume,

    Thank you for the follow-up.

    Have you created a case with Support? I don't see you have shared one. 

    I do see DEV is working on this issue, but in order for me to bring your case to them I would need a Case ID, so I can escalate it.

    It seems they have identified what is causing this for the last update in NC-62029


    Emmanuel (EmmoSophos)
    Technical Team Lead, Global Community Support
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    If a post solves your question use the 'Verify Answer' link.
  • please correct this bug asap , it's annoying a lot of customers


    Thank you

  • I am getting the feeling that this has been introduced from some of the recent HotFix updates in V17.5


    I have a customer with an XG230 running 17.5.MR9

    For 3 months from install, they have had no issue with PPPOE reconnect.

    In the last 3 weeks they have had 5 occurrences of PPPOE disconnect and failure to reconnect. Again logging into the web interface and pressing connect and the connection immediately comes back up.

    Customer is not on a DSL service, it is a Fixed Wifi service which has been stable for quite some time, their previous XG125 had no issues running several versions of 17.x on the same link.


    About the time that the SQL Injection hotfix was applied, and the external web access started with the additional authentication, this has begun happening.



    Gavin Daniels. DipIT(Networking)


  • I have exactly the same issues here in Melbourne Australia.

    I have a customer who has a CR50iNG which is upgraded to run Sophos OS.

    I am struggling with this issue as well.

    They have a Fibre service with PPOE running over the top.  When the link goes down, sometimes you see in the log the PADI requests, and then it reconnects perfectly.

    Yesterday I had to go onsite as their link went down, and just clicking on connect brought it back up again.

    I played with dropping the Fibre connection, and everytime the PPOE re-established correctly.

    Then 24 hours later, and after the fibre connection dropping twice last night, exactly the same issue.

    The connection is down, and the only way to fix it is to go back onsite and reconnect.


    This is a serious issue that Sophos needs to address.

  • I am seeing this issue on a CR50iNG device running the latest firmware.

    SFOS 17.5.13 MR-13


    This issue has only starting happening in the last month, and I suspect it could be to do with an possible hotfix.


    Further, Sophos, please note that this device is a Cyberoam CR50iNG so I can't upgrade to V18, as it doesn't support the Cyberoam devices.

    We need a fix to V17 firmware.

  • I do not have any insight of this issue right now, but coming from a DEV/Support perspective, this is a pain to troubleshoot and find the real root cause of this issue.

    As most of those appliances are completely offline while this issue occurs and only one time per day, this appears, it is hard to "live debug" this issue.


    So if somebody with this issue have a system, which has a "alternative" route to the internet at the same time, this would be helpful to live debug this issue. Maybe even a cellular connection to XG would be helpful, while this occurs. 
