• New Enhancements to Central XG Firmware Updating

    We're pleased to announce the addition of bulk firmware updating to Sophos Central firewall management! This feature is available today, for all grouped firewalls, and allows you to trigger immediate firmware updates in one action, for any number of ...
  • Sophos Firewall Manager SFM 17.1 MR5 Released

    Hi XG Community! We've released Sophos Firewall Manager SFM 17.1 MR5. Initially, the firmware will be available by manual download from the Licensing Portal. We will gradually release the firmware via auto-update to customers. This MR is solely ...
  • XG Firewall v18 MR-3

    Hi XG Community! We've released a new build of XG Firewall v18 MR-3. Enhancements in v18 MR-3 Security enhancements: Several security and hardening enhancements - including SSMK (secure storage master key) for the encryption of sensitive data. Ref...