Hi all,
I have a software appliance (now: UTM 9.104-17, before: ASG 8...). This error:
S5: Session exceeded configured max bytes to queue 1048576 using 1049100 bytes (client queue)
continues now since version 8 of the firewall and I had to disable IPS from time to time, because large downloads was always interrupted. Now on holidays I have the time to resolve that issue, but I don´t know how to edit astaro conf files via shell. In this case it´s /etc/snort/snort.conf. I want to edit the "MAX_QUEUED_BYTES" parameter to a higher value. But everytime i was editing the file and restart IPS the conf file is as before. I looked at /etc/sysconfig/snort but this file seems the wrong one...Can anybody tell me how to edit this file so my new value stays there, even after restarting?
to which value would you change the parameter? Now it´s 1048576 and I would change that to 3145728, is this enough or to much?
I only have a home license so the support can´t help me...
My Hardware:
Intel Atom 1,6 Ghz
4 GB Ram
2x NICs
Thanks for your help!
- daniel
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