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Too Much Obvious Spam, What Can Be Done?

Just a sample of the messages (subjects) I received today:

  • LAST-DAY: You currently-have $155 in Walmart-Reward Points: Redeem-Today from Walmart Points Center < >
  • Garage door repair services from Garage Door Fixes <>
  • New phone features boost productivity from Telephone Systems <>
  • Always-Wanted to Drive a Ferrari? Rent-an-Exotic Car from Exotic Car Rental <>
  • Hot Vacation-Specials to Costa Rica from Costa Rica Trips <>

This comes in every few minutes, not only to me, but the exact messages to everyone in the office (some 80+ employees).

We currently run PureMessage 3.1.3 for Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2. This wasn't an issue a few months back, just recently. How do such obvious spam messages get through? Is there any way to combat it? We're talking 30 - 40 messages a day multiplied by 80+ users... Sorry, but that should invalidate your product as a Spam Filter...

Any thoughts, any avenues I can turn to get a resolution to this?


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  • Having the same issue. Constantly getting spam. All our spam has Office Document attachments. So I have added Office files extensions to the restricted file types. Which then means they are quarantined. I as admin can choose to manually deliver these files. For whatever reason, these restricted file types are then not included when users are sent the spam digest email. So I cannot find a happy medium. I have been unable to find a usable configuration for PureMessage. Exchange currently works best with its standard filtering and adding Puremessage to the network makes SPAM a bigger problem. If users at the very least can choose to deliver genuine emails with restricted attachments it would be workable for me. If I could whitelist some senders and their domains so restricted attachments are allow through, it would also work for me. But I cannot whitelist addresses for restricted attachments, and the users cannot choose to deliver these emails via the digest web console. Therefore leaving me looking very unprofessional for requiring everyone to contact me to manually release IMPORTANT emails. The alternative is to be bombarded with SPAM. What use is puremessage? Really, what advantage is there to using it? It makes SPAM worse not better! No resolution from Sophos. Puremessage is not a workable solution!
  • Having the same issue. Constantly getting spam. All our spam has Office Document attachments. So I have added Office files extensions to the restricted file types. Which then means they are quarantined. I as admin can choose to manually deliver these files. For whatever reason, these restricted file types are then not included when users are sent the spam digest email. So I cannot find a happy medium. I have been unable to find a usable configuration for PureMessage. Exchange currently works best with its standard filtering and adding Puremessage to the network makes SPAM a bigger problem. If users at the very least can choose to deliver genuine emails with restricted attachments it would be workable for me. If I could whitelist some senders and their domains so restricted attachments are allow through, it would also work for me. But I cannot whitelist addresses for restricted attachments, and the users cannot choose to deliver these emails via the digest web console. Therefore leaving me looking very unprofessional for requiring everyone to contact me to manually release IMPORTANT emails. The alternative is to be bombarded with SPAM. What use is puremessage? Really, what advantage is there to using it? It makes SPAM worse not better! No resolution from Sophos. Puremessage is not a workable solution!
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