Recipe for building rpm standalone, but managed installer packages for Centos 5.4 i386
1. find the kernel version and gcc version used to compile the kernel
# cat /proc/version
2. install the kernel-headers, kernel-devel and gcc packages "with" version numbers to override installing the latest version (the normal yum behavior is to install latest available versions, which usually isn't what is desired)
# yum install kernel-headers-2.6.18-164.el5 kernel-devel-2.6.18-164.el5 gcc-4.1.2-46.el5
3. download a zipped archive of the your distribution CID and unpack it
# unzip
4. run the installer script
# cd savlinux; chmod 744; ./
5. stop the currently running sophos services
# service sav-protect stop; service sav-rms stop; service sav-web stop
6. install the rpm-build package
# yum install rpm-build
7. run the package build script specifying the rpm option
# cd savlinux; chmod 744; ./ -r
8. provide the update source from which to update
RPM package is '/savlinux/savinstpkg-0.0-1.i386.rpm'
if using Windows 2008 IIS to distribute the linux updates, be aware of the ++ not served problem
9. enable double escaping request feature in the IIS server configuration (consider the the security implications)
C:\>%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site" -section:syst
em.webServer/security/requestFiltering -allowDoubleEscaping:true
10. copy the rpm to new end point and install
# rpm -i savinstpkg-0.0-1.i386.rpm
note: if serving updates from IIS and double escaping is not enabled, rpm will fail with a %post scriplet failure
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