So with this query you can see MITRE ATT&CK classifications for a few hundred TTPs
/**************************************************************************\ | This query was derived from examination of the CALDERA, Atomic RedTeam | | and other available online resources as of April 2021 | \**************************************************************************/ -- Common MITRE ATT&CK TTPs (Caldera Map) -- VARIABLE $$device_name$$ STRING -- VARIABLE $$mitre_id$$ STRING -- VARIABLE $$tactic name$$ STRING -- VARIABLE $$technique name$$ STRING -- VARIABLE $$Number of hours to search$$ STRING -- VARIABLE $$Verbosity 0-9$$ STRING VERBOSITY SCORE OF 10 indicates it has not been evaluated -- Provide a map to the MITRE INFO WITH mitre_techniques(id, subid, tactic, technique, subtechnique) AS ( VALUES -- COLLECTION ('T1005', '', 'collection', 'Data from Local System', ''), ('T1056', '002', 'collection', 'Input Capture', 'GUI Input Capture'), ('T1059', '003', 'collection', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter', 'Windows Command Shell'), ('T1059', '008', 'collection', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter', 'Network Device CLI'), ('T1560', '', 'collection', 'Archive Collected Data', ''), ('T1074', '', 'collection', 'Data Staged', ''), ('T1074', '001', 'collection', 'Data Staged', 'Local Data Staging'), ('T1074', '004', 'collection', 'Data Staged', 'Local Data Staging'), ('T1113', '', 'collection', 'Screen Capture', ''), ('T1114', '001', 'collection', 'Email Collection', 'Local Email Collection'), ('T1115', '', 'collection', 'Clipboard Data', ''), ('T1119', '', 'collection', 'Automated Collection', ''), ('T1123', '', 'collection', 'Audio Capture', ''), -- COMMAND AND CONTROL ('T1071', '001', 'command_and_control', 'Application Layer Protocol', 'Web Protocols'), ('T1071', '004', 'command_and_control', 'Application Layer Protocol', 'DNS'), ('T1090', '', 'command_and_control', 'Proxy', ''), ('T1090', '001', 'command_and_control', 'Proxy', 'Internal Proxy'), ('T1105', '', 'command_and_control', 'Ingress Tool Transfer', ''), ('T1219', '', 'command_and_control', 'Remote Access Software', ''), ('T1571', '', 'command_and_control', 'Non-Standard Port', ''), -- CREDENTIAL ACCESS ('T1003', '', 'credential_access', 'Credential Dumping', ''), ('T1003', '001', 'credential_access', 'Credential Dumping', 'LSASS Memory'), ('T1003', '002', 'credential_access', 'Credential Dumping', 'Credentials in Registry'), ('T1110', '001', 'credential_access', 'Brute Force', 'Password Guessing'), ('T1110', '003', 'credential_access', 'Brute Force', 'Password Spraying'), ('T1040', '', 'credential_access', 'Network Sniffing', ''), ('T1552', '001', 'credential_access', 'Unsecured Credentials', 'Credentials in Files'), ('T1552', '002', 'credential_access', 'Unsecured Credentials', 'Credentials in Registry'), ('T1552', '004', 'credential_access', 'Unsecured Credentials', 'Private Keys'), ('T1552', '006', 'credential_access', 'Unsecured Credentials', 'Group Policy Prefrences'), ('T1555', '', 'credential_access', 'Credentials from Password Stores', ''), ('T1555', '003', 'credential_access', 'Credentials from Password Stores', 'Credentials from Web Browsers'), ('T1558', '001', 'credential_access', 'Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets', 'Golden Ticket'), ('T1558', '003', 'credential_access', 'Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets', 'Kerberoasting'), -- DEFENSE EVASION ('T1006', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Direct Volume Accesss', ''), ('T1027', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Obfuscated Files or Information', ''), ('T1027', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Obfuscated Files or Information', 'Compile After Delivery'), ('T1036', '003', 'defense_evasion', 'Masquerading', 'Rename System Utilities'), ('T1055', '001', 'defense_evasion', 'Process Injection', 'Dynamic-Link Library Injection'), ('T1055', '002', 'defense_evasion', 'Process Injection', 'Portable Executable Injection'), ('T1055', '012', 'defense_evasion', 'Process Injection', 'Process Hollowing'), ('T1070', '001', 'defense_evasion', 'Indicator Removal on Host', 'Clear Windows Event Logs'), ('T1070', '003', 'defense_evasion', 'Indicator Removal on Host', 'Clear Command History'), ('T1070', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Indicator Removal on Host', 'File Deletion'), ('T1070', '005', 'defense_evasion', 'Indicator Removal on Host', 'Network Share Connection Removal'), ('T1070', '006', 'defense_evasion', 'Indicator Removal on Host', 'Timestomp'), ('T1108', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Redundant Access', ''), ('T1112', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Modify Registry', ''), ('T1134', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Access Token Manipulation', 'Parent PID Spoofing'), ('T1135', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Network Share Discovery', ''), ('T1218', '', 'defense_evasion', 'Signed Binary Proxy Executioin', ''), ('T1218', '001', 'defense_evasion', 'Signed Binary Proxy Executioin', 'Compiled HTML File'), ('T1218', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Signed Binary Proxy Execution', 'InstallUtil'), ('T1218', '005', 'defense_evasion', 'Signed Binary Proxy Execution', 'mshta'), ('T1218', '008', 'defense_evasion', 'Signed Binary Proxy Executioin', 'odbconf'), ('T1218', '011', 'defense_evasion', 'Rundll32', 'Execution'), ('T1553', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Subvert Trust Controls', 'Install Root Certificate'), ('T1562', '001', 'defense_evasion', 'Impair Defenses', 'Disable or Modify Tools'), ('T1562', '002', 'defense_evasion', 'Impair Defenses', 'Disable Windows Event Logging'), ('T1562', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Impair Defenses', 'Disable or Modify System Firewall'), ('T1564', '003', 'defense_evasion', 'Hide Artifacts', 'Hidden Window'), ('T1564', '004', 'defense_evasion', 'Hide Artifacts', 'NTFS File Attributes'), ('T1574', '012', 'defense_evasion', 'Hijack Execution Flow', 'COR_PROFILER'), -- DISCOVERY ('T1007', '', 'discovery', 'System Service Discovery', ''), ('T1010', '', 'discovery', 'Application Window Discovery', ''), ('T1012', '', 'discovery', 'Query Registry', ''), ('T1016', '', 'discovery', 'System Network Configuration Discovery', ''), ('T1018', '', 'discovery', 'Remote System Discovery', ''), ('T1033', '', 'discovery', 'System Owner/User Discovery', ''), ('T1046', '', 'discovery', 'Network Service Scanning', ''), ('T1049', '', 'discovery', 'System Network Connections Discovery', ''), ('T1057', '', 'discovery', 'Process Discovery', ''), ('T1063', '', 'discovery', 'Security Software Discovery', ''), ('T1069', '', 'discovery', 'Permission Groups Discovery', ''), ('T1069', '001', 'discovery', 'Permission Groups Discovery', 'Local Groups'), ('T1069', '002', 'discovery', 'Permission Groups Discovery', 'Domain Groups'), ('T1082', '', 'discovery', 'System Information Discovery', ''), ('T1083', '', 'discovery', 'File and Directory Discovery', ''), ('T1087', '001', 'discovery', 'Account Discovery', 'Local Account'), ('T1087', '002', 'discovery', 'Account Discovery', 'Domain Account'), ('T1120', '', 'discovery', 'Peripheral Device Discovery', ''), ('T1124', '', 'discovery', 'System Time Discovery', ''), ('T1201', '', 'discovery', 'Password Policy Discovery', ''), ('T1217', '', 'discovery', 'Browser Bookmark Discovery', ''), ('T1482', '', 'discovery', 'Domain Trust Discovery', ''), ('T1497', '001', 'discovery', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion', 'System Checks'), ('T1518', '', 'discovery', 'Software Discovery', ''), ('T1518', '001', 'discovery', 'Software Discovery', 'Security Software Discovery'), -- EXECUTION ('T1047', '', 'execution', 'Windows Management Instrumentation', ''), ('T1059', '001', 'execution', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter', 'PowerShell'), ('T1059', '005', 'execution', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter', 'Visual Basic'), ('T1059', '', 'execution', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter', ''), ('T1072', '', 'execution', 'Software Deployment Tools', ''), ('T1204', '002', 'execution', 'User Execution', 'Malicious File'), ('T1546', '008', 'execution', 'Event Triggered Execution', 'Accessibility Features'), -- EXFILTRATION ('T1002', '', 'exfiltration', 'Archive Collected Data', ''), ('T1041', '', 'exfiltration', 'Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel', ''), ('T1048', '003', 'exfiltration', 'Exfiltration Over Alternate Protocol', 'Exfiltration Over Unencrypted/Obsfucated Non-C2 Protocol'), ('T1560', '001', 'exfiltration', 'Archive Collected Data', 'Archive via Utility'), ('T1020', '', 'exfiltration', 'Automated Exfiltration', ''), -- INITIAL ACCESS ('T1566', '001', 'initial_access', 'Phishing', 'Spearphishing Attachment'), -- IMPACT ('T1485', '', 'impact', 'Data Destruction',''), ('T1490', '', 'impact', 'Inhibit System Recovery', ''), ('T1491', '', 'impact', 'Defacement', ''), ('T1565', '001', 'impact', 'Data Manipulation','Stored Data Manipulation'), -- LATERAL MOVEMENT ('T1021', '002', 'lateral_movement', 'Remote Services', 'SMB/Windows Admin Shares'), ('T1021', '003', 'lateral-movement', 'Remote Services', 'Distributed Component Object'), ('T1021', '006', 'lateral-movement', 'Remote Services', 'Windows Remote Management'), -- PERSISTENCE ('T1031', '', 'persistence', 'Modify Existing Service', ''), ('T1050', '', 'persistence', 'New Service', ''), ('T1098', '', 'persistence', 'Account Manipulation', ''), ('T1136', '001', 'persistence', 'Create Account', 'Local Account'), ('T1136', '002', 'persistence', 'Create Account', 'Domain Account'), ('T1505', '002', 'persistence', 'Server Software Component', 'Transport Agent'), ('T1547', '004', 'persistence', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Executioin', 'Winlogon Helper DLL'), -- PRIVELEGE ESCALATION ('T1548', '002', 'privilege_escalation', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism', 'Bypass User Account Control') ), -- Provide Detection rules based on CMD_LINE evaluations EVERYTHING HAS TO BE lowercase -- ALL RULES are for ANY Process's CMD_LINE mitre_methods(noise_level, id, subid, process, indicator) AS ( VALUES -- T1000-1099 (0,'T1002', '', '%', '%compress-archive%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%get-netcomputer%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%creds.dmp%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%invoke-mimikatz%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%download%powersploit%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%exfiltration%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%nppspy%'), (0,'T1003', '', '%', '%hklm%sam%'), (6,'T1003', '', '%', '%hklm%security%'), (7,'T1003', '', '%', '%hklm%system%'), (0,'T1003', '001', '%', '%procdump%lsass%'), (0,'T1003', '001', '%', '%minidump%lsass%'), (0,'T1003', '001', 'rundll32.exe', '%comsvcs.dll%'), (0,'T1003', '001', '%', '%dumpcreds%'), (0,'T1003', '001', '%', '%ma lsass.exe%'), (0,'T1003', '002', '%', '%reg query hklm%f password%t reg_sz% '), (0,'T1003', '002', 'reg.exe', '%query hklm%f password%t reg_sz% '), (0,'T1003', '002', '%', '%webrequest%empire%dump% '), (0,'T1005', '', '%', '%get-childitem c:%users -recurse -include%'), (0,'T1006', '', '%', '%io.filestream%format-hex%'), (5,'T1007', '', '%', '%get-service%'), (0,'T1010', '', '%', '%get-process%mainwindowtitle%shell.application%'), (0,'T1012', '', '%', '%get-itemproperty%hklm:%windows%currentversion%'), (9,'T1016', '', 'ipconfig.exe', '%'), (0,'T1016', '', '%', '%nbtstat -n%'), (0,'T1016', '', 'nbstat.exe', '%-n%'), (0,'T1016', '', '%', '%wifi.ps1 -scan%'), (9,'T1016', '', '%', '%-scan%'), (0,'T1016', '', '%', '%-find%'), (0,'T1016', '', '%', '%foreach%port%'), (0,'T1016', '', '%', '%wifi.ps1 -pref%'), (9,'T1016', '', '%', '%ping %'), -- simply way too noisy (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%powerview.ps1%get-domaincomputer%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nltest %dclist%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nltest.exe', '%dclist%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%arp -a%'), (6,'T1018', '', 'arp.exe', '%-a%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nltest %dclist%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nltest.exe', '%dclist%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nslookup%mail%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nslookup.exe', '%mail%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nslookup #{}%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nslookup.exe', ''), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nbtstat -a #{}%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nbstat.exe', ''), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%ipconfig%findstr%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%get-netcomputer%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%nltest%dsgetdc%'), (0,'T1018', '', 'nltest%', '%dsgetdc%'), (0,'T1018', '', '%', '%get-domaincomputer%'), (0,'T1020', '', '%', '%application%octet-stream%'), (0,'T1021', '002', '%', '%net use%/user:%n%'), (0,'T1021', '002', '%', '%new-psdrive%target%'), (0,'T1021', '002', 'net.exe', '%use%/user:%n%'), (0,'T1021', '003', '%', '%createinstance%executeshellcommand%'), (0,'T1021', '003', '%', '%gettypefromprogid%executeshellcommand%'), (0,'T1021', '006', '%', '%enable-psremoting%'), (0,'T1021', '006', '%', '%evil-winrm%admin%-p%'), (0,'T1021', '006', '%', '%evil-winrm%'), (0,'T1021', '006', '%', '%invoke-command%computername%script%'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%base64%'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%unicode%'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%encode%'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%-ec %'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%set-itemproperty%hkcu%iex%'), (0,'T1027', '', '%', '%set-itemproperty%hklm%iex%'), (0,'T1027', '004', '%', '%invoke-expressiion%compile%'), (0,'T1031', '', '%', '%get-service -name%stop-service%copy-item -path%'), (0,'T1033', '', '%', '%get-netuser -admincount%'), (5,'T1033', '', '%', '%whoami%'), (0,'T1033', '', '%', '%$env:username%'), (0,'T1033', '', '%', '%get-netuser -spn%'), (0,'T1033', '', '%', '%get-netuser%'), (0,'T1033', '', '%', '%userhunter%stealth%'), (0,'T1036', '003', '%', '%copy%windows%wow%'), (0,'T1036', '003', '%', '%copy%windows%system%'), (0,'T1036', '003', '%', ''), (0,'T1040', '', '%', '%new-neteventsession -name%-capturemode%'), (0,'T1040', '', '%', '%pcap%tcp%'), (7,'T1041', '', '%', '%file%upload%'), (0,'T1046', '', 'nmap.exe', '%sv -p'), (0,'T1046', '', '%', '%nmap -sv -p'), (0,'T1046', '', '%', '%get-netipconfiguration%'), (0,'T1046', '', '%', '%nmap%'), (0,'T1046', '', 'nmap.exe', '%'), (0,'T1046', '', '%', '%scan%ports%'), (9,'T1047', '', '%', '%wmic%'), -- likely too noisy to be of value (8,'T1047', '', '%', '%wmic%process%get%'), (0,'T1047', '', '%', 'wmic %node:%user:%password:%process call create%'), (0,'T1047', '', 'wmic.exe', '%node%password%process call create%'), (0,'T1047', '', 'wmic.exe', '%process get%executablepath%name%processid%parentprocessid%'), (0,'T1047', '', 'wmic.exe', '%node:%user:%password%process call create% '), (0,'T1047', '', '%', '%wmic %node:%user:%password%process call create% '), (0,'T1048', '003', '%', ' '), (4,'T1048', '003', '%', '%send%.%.%.%,%,%'), (0,'T1048', '003', '%', '%ping.send(%)%'), (0,'T1048', '003', '%', '%uri%method%post%body%'), (0,'T1049', '', '%', '%netstat -ano%get-nettcpconnection%'), (0,'T1049', '', 'netstat.exe', '%-ano%'), (0,'T1049', '', '%', '%get-nettcpconnection%'), (0,'T1049', '', '%', '%invoke-%scanner%'), (0,'T1049', '', '%', '%invoke-kerber%'), (0,'T1049', '', '%', '%find-%share%'), (0,'T1050', '', '%', '%new-service%'), (0,'T1050', '', 'sc.exe', '%create service%'), (3,'T1050', '', '%', '%sc%create%service%'), (0,'T1055', '001', '%', '%odbcconf.exe %s %a%'), (0,'T1055', '001', 'odbcconf.exe', '%s %a%'), (0,'T1055', '002', '%', '%mavinject.exe%'), (0,'T1055', '002', 'mavinject.exe', '%'), (0,'T1055', '002', '%', '%invoke-reflectivepeinjection.ps1%'), (0,'T1055', '012', '%', '%get-process%hollow%'), (0,'T1056', '002', '%', '%promptforcredential%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%owner%%get-process%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%get-process%lsass%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%owner%user%get-process%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%get-process%'), (7,'T1057', '', '%', '%tasklist %m%'), (7,'T1057', '', 'tasklist.exe', '%tasklist %m%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%pslist.exe%'), (0,'T1057', '', 'pslist.exe', '%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%gwmi win32_process%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%processname%-e%lsass%'), (0,'T1057', '', '%', '%get-process >>%'), (0,'T1059', '', '%', ''), (0,'T1059', '', '%', '%.exe -nonewwindow -passthru -credential%'), (0,'T1059', '', '%', '%-nonewwindow -passthru -credential%'), (0,'T1059', '', '%', '%echo $(get-uac)%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', ''), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%mimikatz%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%copy-item%powershell%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%new-item%pstools%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-process -name%powershell%stop-process%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%wifi.ps1 -off%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%copy-item%powershell.exe%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%iex%downloadstring%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%set-itemproperty -path hklm:%software%policies%microsoft%windows%powershell -name executionpolicy -value bypass%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%emulate-administrator-tasks.ps1%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-process%ncat%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'ncat.exe', '%get-process%ncat%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'cmd.exe', '%net user%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'cmd.exe', '%whoami%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'cmd.exe', '%netstat -ano%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%powershell%iex%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'powershell.exe', '%iex%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%new.webclient%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%downloadstring%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', ''), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%https%invoke%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%out-athpowershell%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%encodedcommandparam%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%useencodedarguments%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%-execute%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%reg.exe%add%base64%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'reg.exe', '%add%base64%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%new-object%net.webclient%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%add-content%stream%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%powershell%-version%2%command%'), (0,'T1059', '001', 'powershell.exe', '%-version 2%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%new-pssession%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%new-pssession%computername%'), (5,'T1059', '001', '%', '%powershell.exe -c%get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-localuser%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-itemproperty%registry%'), (0,'T1059', '001', '%', '%get-process%ncat%'), (0,'T1059', '003', 'cmd.exe', '%net user%'), (0,'T1059', '003', '%', '%start-process%.bat%'), (0,'T1059', '005', '%', '%cscript%vbs%>%'), (9,'T1059', '005', '%', '%cscript%vbs%'), (9,'T1059', '005', 'cscript.exe', '%.vbs%'), (0,'T1059', '008', 'net.exe', '%user%'), (0,'T1063', '', '%', '%wmic%namespace%antivirusproduct%'), (0,'T1063', '', 'wmic.exe', '%antivirusproduct%'), (0,'T1063', '', '%', '%securitycenter%antivirusproduct%'), (0,'T1063', '', 'wmic.exe', '%securitycenter%antivirusproduct%'), (0,'T1069', '', '%', '%gpresult %r%'), (0,'T1069', '', '%', '%get-wmiobject -class win32_useraccount%'), (0,'T1069', '', '%', '%powerview.ps1%'), (0,'T1069', '001', 'gpresult.exe', '%r%'), (0,'T1069', '002', '%', '%get-aduser%'), (0,'T1069', '002', '%', '%find%computeradmin%'), (0,'T1069', '002', '%', '%invoke-enumeratelocaladmin%'), (0,'T1069', '002', '%', '%get-adprincipalgroupmembership%'), (0,'T1070', '001', '%', '%clear%log%'), (0,'T1070', '003', '%', '%set-psreadlineoption%savenothing%'), (0,'T1070', '003', '%', '%remove-item%historysavepath%'), (0,'T1070', '003', '%', '%clear%history%'), (0,'T1070', '004', '%', '%remove-item%.log%'), (0,'T1070', '004', '%', ''), (0,'T1070', '004', '%', '%remove-item%recurse%'), (0,'T1070', '004', '%', '%delete%.log%'), (0,'T1070', '004', '%', '%timeout%del%'), (0,'T1070', '005', '%', '%remove-smbshare%'), (0,'T1070', '005', '%', '%remove-fileshare%'), (0,'T1070', '006', '%', '%get-childitem%lastwritetime%'), (0,'T1070', '006', '%', '%get-childitem%lastaccesstime%'), (0,'T1070', '006', '%', '%get-childitem%creationtime%'), (0,'T1070', '006', '%', '%import%timestomp%'), (0,'T1070', '006', '%', '%timestomp%dest%'), (0,'T1071', '001', '%', '%invoke-webrequest%'), (0,'T1071', '004', '%', '%dns%domain%jitter%'), -- perhaps over fit (0,'T1071', '004', '%', '%dns%beacon%'), (0,'T1071', '004', '%', '%dns%query%'), (3,'T1072', '', '%', '%powershell%-enc%'), (0,'T1074', '', '%', '%copy-item%'), (0,'T1074', '', '%', '%new-item%-path%-itemtype%'), (0,'T1074', '001', '%', '%invoke-webrequest%discovery.bat%'), -- tight fit for atomic (0,'T1074', '001', '%', '%new-item%directory%'), (0,'T1074', '001', '%', '%copy-item%password%'), (0,'T1074', '001', '%', '%copy-item%zip%'), (0,'T1074', '001', '%', '%copy-item%inbox%'), (0,'T1074', '004', '%', '%compress-archive%destinationpath%'), (0,'T1082', '', '%', '%psversiontable%'), (0,'T1082', '', '%', '%osversion.version%'), (0,'T1083', '', '%', '%get-childitem -path #{host.system.path}%'), (0,'T1083', '', '%', '%-c pwd%'), (0,'T1083', '', '%', '%ls%recurse%'), (0,'T1083', '', '%', '%get-children%recurse%'), (0,'T1083', '', '%', '%gci%recurse%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%query user%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%net user%'), (0,'T1087', '001', 'net.exe', '%user%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%get-localuser%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%get-localgroupmember%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%cmdkey.exe%list%'), (0,'T1087', '001', 'cmdkey.exe', '%list%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%get-children%users%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%get-localgroup%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%net localgroup%'), (0,'T1087', '001', 'net.exe', '%localgroup%'), (0,'T1087', '001', '%', '%get-wmiobject%win32_useraccount%'), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', '%user%domain%'), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', '%net user #{} %domain%'), (0,'T1087', '002', 'net.exe', ''), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', 'net user %domain'), (0,'T1087', '002', 'net.exe', '%user %domain%'), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', '%get-localgroupmember%users%'), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', '%get-aduser -filter *%'), (0,'T1087', '002', '%', '%invoke-expression%recon%'), (0,'T1090', '', 'netsh.exe', '%winhttp%set%proxy%'), (0,'T1090', '', 'netsh.exe', '%portproxy%'), (0,'T1090', '001', '%', '%proxy%'), (0,'T1098', '', '%', '%set-localuser%'), -- T1100-1199 (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%certutil%verifyctl%move-item%destination%'), (0,'T1105', '', 'certutil.exe', '%verifyctl%-f%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%set-content%-path% -value%hacked%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%set-content%-path% -value%pay%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%new-pssession -computername%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%psexec%.exe%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%msiexec%powershellcore%'), (0,'T1105', '', 'msiexec.exe', '%powershellcore%'), (4,'T1105', '', '%', '%download%powershell%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%download%pstools%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%new-object%webclient%'), (0,'T1105', '', '%', '%start-process%socket%'), (7,'T1108', '', '%', '%sleep%'), (0,'T1110', '001', '%', '%foreach%password%'), (0,'T1110', '003', '%', '%ldap%foreach%password%'), (0,'T1110', '003', '%', '%passwordspray%'), (0,'T1112', '', '%', '%set-executionpolicy%bypass%'), (0,'T1112', '', '%', '%key=%zonemap%'), (0,'T1112', '', '%', '%new-itemproperty%http%2%'), (0,'T1112', '', '%', '%new-itemproperty%internet settings%name%value%'), (0,'T1113', '', '%', '%copyfromscreen%'), (0,'T1113', '', 'psr.exe', '%output%'), (4,'T1113', '', '%', '%screenshot%'), (0,'T1114', '001', '%', '%get-inbox%mail%'), -- over fit (0,'T1115', '', '%', '%get-clipboard%'), (0,'T1115', '', '%', '%getclipboard%'), (0,'T1119', '', '%', '%new-item%recurse%'), (5,'T1119', '', '%', '%get-service%'), (0,'T1119', '', '%', '%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1119', '', '%', '%get-process%'), (0,'T1120', '', '%', '%get-wmiobject%win32_pnpentity%'), (0,'T1123', '', '%', '%windowsaudiodevice-powershell-cmdlet%'), -- dependent on specific git repo tool (8,'T1124', '', '%', '%get-date -uformat%'), (9,'T1124', '', '%', '%get-date%'), (0,'T1134', '004', '%', '%start-athprocessunderspecificparent%'), (0,'T1135', '', '%', '%get-smbshare%'), (0,'T1135', '', '%', '%net%view%localhost%'), (0,'T1135', '', '%', '%smbshare%localhost%'), (0,'T1135', '', '%', '%iex%iwr%'), (0,'T1136', '001', '%', '%new-localuser%'), (0,'T1136', '002', '%', '%samaccountname%password%'), (0,'T1136', '002', '%', '%automation.pscredential%'), (0,'T1136', '002', '%', '%passwordnotrequired%'), --T1200-1299 (0,'T1201', '', '%', '%net accounts%'), (0,'T1201', '', 'net.exe', '%accounts%'), (0,'T1204', '002', '%', '%wscript.ext%jscript%jse'), (0,'T1204', '002', '%', '%.jse%script.exe%'), (0,'T1217', '', '%', '%user%bookmarks'), (0,'T1218', '', '%', '%invoke%disable%'), (0,'T1218', '001', '%', '%invoke-athcompiledhelp%hhfilepath%'), (0,'T1218', '001', '%', '%invoke-athcompiledhelp%jscript%'), (0,'T1218', '001', 'hh.exe', '-chmfilepath%'), (0,'T1218', '004', '%', '%installutil%'), (0,'T1218', '005', 'jscript.exe', '%inlineprotocolhandler%userundll32%'), (0,'T1218', '005', '%', '%invoke-athhtmlapplication%jscript%'), (0,'T1218', '005', '%', '%simulate%doubleclick%'), (0,'T1218', '005', '%', '%invoke%mshta.exe%'), (0,'T1218', '005', 'mshta.exe', '%'), (0,'T1218', '008', '%', '%csc.exe%enterpriseservices.dll%regsvcs.exe%'), (0,'T1218', '011', 'rundll32.exe', '%vnc%server%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%ammyy%admin.exe', '%-connect%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%', '%web-request%teamviewer_setup.exe%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%', '%start-process%teamviewer%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%', '%logmeinignition.msi%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%', '%start-process%logmein%'), (0,'T1219', '', '%', '%web-request%anydesk%'), (0,'T1219', '', 'teamviewer.exe', '%assign%'), (0,'T1219', '', 'vncserver.exe', '%-connect%'), (0,'T1219', '', 'tvnserver.exe', '%-connect%'), (0,'T1219', '', 'vncviewer.exe', '%-proxy%'), --T1300-1399 --T1400-1499 (0,'T1482', '', '%', '%powerview%get-netdomain%'), (0,'T1482', '', '%', '%get-netforest%'), (0,'T1482', '', '%', '%get-addomain%'), (0,'T1482', '', '%', '%get-adgroupmember%'), (0,'T1485', '', '%', '%invoke-expression%sddelete.exe%'), (0,'T1485', '', '%', '%foreach%delete%'), (0,'T1490', '', '%', '%shadowcopy%delete%'), (0,'T1491', '', '%', '%invoke-memekatz%'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%procexp%get-process%'), -- assumes they build a list of things to look for (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%get-wmiobject%win32_computersystem%model'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%security%found%'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%security%detected%'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%av%found%'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%av%detected%'), (0,'T1497', '001', '%', '%get-process%procexp%'), -- only checks if they are looking for process explorer most common --T1500-1599 (0,'T1505', '002', '%', '%install-transportagent%'), (0,'T1505', '002', '%', ''), (6,'T1518', '', '%', '%get-itemproperty%hklm%uninstall%'), (0,'T1518', '', '%', '%get-itemproperty%internet explorer%'), (0,'T1518', '', '%', '%echo%get-uac%'), (0,'T1518', '', '%', '%get-uac%'), (0,'T1518', '001', '%', '%get-wmiobject%securitycenter%antivirusproduct%'), (0,'T1518', '001', '%', '%get-process%virus%'), (0,'T1518', '001', '%', '%wmic%securitycenter%'), (0,'T1518', '001', '%', '%wmic%virus%'), (0,'T1546', '008', '%', '%image file execution options%new-item%'), (0,'T1547', '004', '%', '%new-item%winlogon%notify%set-itemproperty%'), (0,'T1547', '004', '%', '%winlogon%userinit%'), (0,'T1548', '002', '%', '%new-itemproperty%%hklm:software%enablelua%-value 0%'), (0,'T1548', '002', '%', '%akagi64.exe%'), (0,'T1548', '002', 'akagi64.exe', '%'), (0,'T1548', '002', '%', '%bypass-uac%'), (0,'T1552', '001', '%', '%findstr%password%'), (0,'T1552', '001', 'findstr.exe', '%password%'), (0,'T1552', '002', '%', '%reg%query%hkcu%password%'), (0,'T1552', '002', 'reg.exe', '%query%hkcu%password%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.key%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.pgp%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.gpg%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.ppk%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.p12%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.pem%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.pfx%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.cer%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.p7b%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.asc%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '004', '%', '%.crt%get-childitem%'), (0,'T1552', '006', '%', '%gpppassword%'), (0,'T1553', '004', '%', '%import-cert%root%cer%'), (0,'T1553', '004', '%', '%certutil%addstore%root%cer%'), (0,'T1553', '004', 'certutil%', '%addstore%root%cer%'), (0,'T1555', '', '%', '%iex%maldoc'), (0,'T1555', '', '%', '%word%extract'), (0,'T1555', '003', '%', '%accesschk%accepteula'), (0,'T1555', '003', '%', '%chrome%login data%'), (0,'T1555', '003', 'accesschk.exe', '%accepteula%'), (0,'T1558', '001', '%', '%goldenticket%'), (0,'T1558', '001', '%', '%replace%domain_sid%'), (0,'T1558', '001', '%', '%golden.bat%'), (0,'T1558', '001', '%', '%ticket%attack%'), (0,'T1558', '003', '%', '%keberoast%'), (0,'T1560', '', '%', '%dir%recurse%compress-archive%'), (0,'T1560', '001', '%', '%compress-archive%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set%path%value%bypass%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set-mppreference -disablerealtimemonitoring 1%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set-mppreference -disableintrusionpreventionsystem%set-mppreference -disableioavprotection%set-mppreference -disablerealtimemonitoring%set-mppreference -disablescriptscanning%set-mppreference -enablecontrolledfolderaccess disabled%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set-mppreference -disableintrusionpreventionsystem%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set-mppreference -disablescriptscanning%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%set-mppreference -enablecontrolledfolderaccess disabled%'), (0,'T1562', '001', 'netsh.exe', '%firewall%add%rule%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%remove-item%amsi%provider%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%remove-service%sophos%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%remove-service%mcafee%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%remove-service%symantec%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%sophos%uninstall%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%windowssensor%uninstall%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%uninstall%sophos%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%uninstall%windowssensor%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%uninstall%crowdstrike%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%stop-service%sophos%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%stop-service%mcafee%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%stop-service%symantec%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%disable%antic%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%amsiinitfailed%setvalue%true%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%add-mppreference%exclu%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%office%security%disableinternetfilesinpv%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%office%security%disableunsafe%'), (0,'T1562', '001', '%', '%office%security%disableattachmentsinpv%'), (0,'T1562', '002', '%', '%invoke-phantom%'), (0,'T1562', '002', '%', '%appcmd%dontlog:true%'), (0,'T1562', '002', 'appcmd.exe', '%dontlog:true%'), (0,'T1562', '004', '%', '%firewall%add%rule%allow%'), (0,'T1562', '004', '%', '%firewall%add%port%allow%profile%any%'), (0,'T1564', '003', '%', '%window%hidden%'), (0,'T1564', '004', '%', '%set-contet%stream%value%'), (3,'T1565', '001', '%', '%mv%.%.exe%'), (0,'T1565', '001', 'copy.exe', '%.%.exe%'), (0,'T1566', '001', '%', '%iex%invoke-maldoc%'), -- over fit (0,'T1571', '', '%', '%port%808%'), (0,'T1571', '', '%', '%:8080%'), (0,'T1571', '', '%', '%:8081%'), (0,'T1574', '012', '%', '%cor_profiler%') ), -- DEBUG SECTION CONFIRM ALL Techniques have a METHOD Mapping /**************** ValidationMap AS ( SELECT technique_id, mt.subid technique_subid, method_id, mm.subid methd_sub, COUNT( TTP_Rules FROM mitre_methods mm LEFT JOIN mitre_techniques mt ON = AND mm.subid = mt.subid GROUP BY, mt.subid,, mm.subid ORDER by,mt.subid, DESC, mm.subid ) --SELECT * FROM ValidationMap order by ttp_rules asc SELECT SUM(ttp_rules) COUNT_OF_RULES FROM ValidationMap *****************/ mitre_methods_ID AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY id, subid, process, indicator) Rule_Id, id, noise_level, subid, process, indicator FROM mitre_methods ), -- Identify which rules to run based on admin variable selections ttp(mitre_id, mitre_subid, tactic, technique, subtechnique, process, hunt_rule, mitre_link, Rule_ID, noise_level) AS ( SELECT AS mitre_id, mitre_techniques.subid AS mitre_subid, mitre_techniques.tactic AS tactic, mitre_techniques.technique AS technique, mitre_techniques.subtechnique AS subtechnique, mitre_methods_ID.process AS process, mitre_methods_ID.indicator AS hunt_rule, CASE mitre_techniques.subid WHEN '' THEN '' || ELSE '' || || '/' || mitre_techniques.subid END AS mitre_link, mitre_methods_ID.Rule_ID Rule_ID, noise_level FROM mitre_methods_ID LEFT JOIN mitre_techniques ON = AND mitre_methods_ID.subid = mitre_techniques.subid AND || '.' || mitre_methods_ID.subid LIKE UPPER('%$$mitre_id$$%') WHERE mitre_methods_ID.noise_level <= $$Verbosity 0-9$$ AND mitre_techniques.tactic LIKE LOWER('%$$tactic name$$%') AND mitre_techniques.technique LIKE LOWER('%$$technique name$$%') ), -- Perform the evaluations detections AS ( SELECT xdr_data.meta_hostname AS ep_name, xdr_data.meta_endpoint_type AS device_type, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(xdr_data.time), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%SZ') AS date_time, ttp.mitre_id, ttp.mitre_subid, ttp.tactic, ttp.technique, ttp.subtechnique, ttp.process process_filter, ttp.hunt_rule, ttp.mitre_link, xdr_data.username AS username, AS process_name, xdr_data.cmdline AS cmd_line, xdr_data.sophos_PID AS sophos_pid, xdr_data.path AS path_name, xdr_data.parent_name, ttp.Rule_ID, ttp.noise_level FROM xdr_data JOIN ttp ON LOWER( LIKE ttp.process AND LOWER(xdr_data.cmdline) LIKE ttp.hunt_rule WHERE xdr_data.query_name = 'running_processes_windows_sophos' AND LOWER(xdr_data.meta_hostname) LIKE LOWER('%$$device_name$$%') AND CAST(xdr_data.time AS INT) > CAST(TO_UNIXTIME(NOW()) AS INT) - $$Number of hours to search$$ * 3600 ) --, full_results AS ( -- ENABLE THIS LINE WHEN SETTING UP NOISE LEVEL REDUCTION RULES -- GROUP results so we can show counted number of events SELECT ARRAY_JOIN(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT ep_name), CHR(10)) AS ep_list, tactic, technique, COUNT(ep_name) AS instances, process_name, cmd_line, MIN_BY(sophos_pid,replace(sophos_pid, rtrim(sophos_pid, replace(sophos_pid, ':', '')), '') ) Earliest_SophosPID, -- NOTE THIS IS EXPENSIVE ARRAY_JOIN(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT sophos_pid), CHR(10)) AS FULL_sophos_pid_list, ARRAY_JOIN(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT username), CHR(10)) AS user_list, subtechnique, mitre_id, mitre_subid, mitre_link, process_filter, hunt_rule, COUNT(DISTINCT ep_name) AS ep_count, MIN(date_time) AS first_seen, MAX(date_time) AS last_seen, ARRAY_JOIN(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT path_name), CHR(10)) AS path_name_list, ARRAY_JOIN(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT parent_name), CHR(10)) AS parent_name_list, noise_level -- , Rule_ID -- REQUIRED FOR NOISE LEVEL REDUCTION FROM detections GROUP BY mitre_id, mitre_subid, tactic, technique, process_name, cmd_line, process_filter, hunt_rule, subtechnique, mitre_link, noise_level -- , Rule_ID -- REQUIRED FOR NOISE LEVEL REDUCTION ORDER BY instances DESC, tactic, technique, mitre_id, mitre_subid, process_name -- USE BELOW FOR CALCULATING NOISE LEVEL REDUCTIOIN VALUES /******************* ) SELECT SUM(instances) Total_Detections, mitre_id, mitre_subid, process_filter, hunt_rule, Rule_ID, tactic, technique, subtechnique, noise_level FROM full_results GROUP BY Rule_ID, tactic, technique, subtechnique, mitre_id, mitre_subid, process_filter, hunt_rule, noise_level ORDER BY Total_Detections DESC ********************/
If you see something interesting just PIVOT on the SophosPID to the Process Tree with MITRE Enrichments. It will run a more detailed query on the endpoint
-- Process Tree with MITRE enrichment for CMD LINE -- VARIABLE $$sophosPID$$ SophosPID -- Generate Process Tree WITH RECURSIVE get_ancestors(sophosPID, level, startTime, cmdLine, procName, parentSophosPID, sha256, sid) AS ( SELECT sophosPID, 0, processStartTime, cmdLine, processName, parentSophosPID, sha256, sid FROM sophos_process_journal WHERE sophosPID = '$$sophosPID$$' AND eventtype = 0 UNION ALL SELECT p.sophosPID, get_ancestors.level - 1, p.processStartTime, p.cmdLine, p.processName, p.parentSophosPID, p.sha256, p.sid FROM sophos_process_journal p JOIN get_ancestors ON p.sophosPID = get_ancestors.parentSophosPID ORDER BY 2 ASC ), ancestor_tree AS ( SELECT DISTINCT startTime, printf('%.' || ABS(level) || 'c', '<') || ' ' || procName processBranch, sophosPID, cmdLine, sha256, sid FROM get_ancestors WHERE level < 0 ORDER BY level ASC ), get_children(sophosPID, level, startTime, cmdLine, procName, targetsophosPID, sha256, sid) AS ( SELECT p.sophosPID, 0, p.processStartTime, p.cmdLine, p.processName,spa.targetsophosPID, p.sha256, p.sid FROM sophos_process_journal p LEFT JOIN sophos_process_activity spa ON spa.sophosPID = p.sophosPID AND subject = 'Process' WHERE p.sophosPID = '$$sophosPID$$' UNION ALL SELECT p.sophosPID, get_children.level + 1, p.processStartTime, p.cmdLine, p.processName, spa.targetsophosPID, p.sha256, p.sid FROM sophos_process_journal p JOIN get_children ON p.sophosPID = get_children.targetsophosPID LEFT JOIN sophos_process_activity spa ON spa.sophosPID = p.sophosPID AND subject = 'Process' ORDER BY 2 DESC ), child_tree AS ( SELECT DISTINCT startTime, CASE WHEN level = 0 THEN procName ELSE printf('%.' || level || 'c', '>') || ' ' || procName END as processBranch, sophosPID, cmdLine, sha256, sid FROM get_children ), Full_Tree AS ( SELECT * FROM ancestor_tree UNION ALL SELECT * FROM child_tree ), -- Get map from GIT LOCATION mitre_map_file(Line, str) AS ( SELECT '', (SELECT result from curl where url = '') ||char(10) UNION ALL SELECT substr(str, 0, instr(str, char(10) )), substr(str, instr(str, char(10) )+1) FROM mitre_map_file WHERE str!='' ), -- Create Table for Mitre_MAP mitre_map (Tid, tactic, id, technique, subid, subtechnique) AS ( SELECT SPLIT(Line,',',0) Tid, SPLIT(Line,',',1) tactic, SPLIT(Line,',',2) id, SPLIT(Line,',',3) technique, SPLIT(Line,',',4) subid, SPLIT(Line,',',5) subtechnique FROM mitre_map_file WHERE Line != '' ), -- Get detection rules from GIT LOCATION mitre_rule_file(Line, str) AS ( SELECT '', (SELECT result from curl where url = '') ||char(10) UNION ALL SELECT substr(str, 0, instr(str, char(10) )), substr(str, instr(str, char(10) )+1) FROM mitre_rule_file WHERE str!='' ), -- Create Table for Detection_Rules mitre_detection_rules (method, noise_level, id,subid,process,indicator) AS ( SELECT SPLIT(Line,',',0) method, SPLIT(Line,',',1) noise_level, SPLIT(Line,',',2) id, SPLIT(Line,',',3) subid, SPLIT(Line,',',4) process, SPLIT(Line,',',5) indicator FROM mitre_rule_file WHERE Line != '' ), -- Map the methods to the description Rule_Map AS ( SELECT||'.'||mm.subid||' -- '||mm.tactic||':: '||mm.technique||'- '||mm.subtechnique||CHAR(10)||'. Method: '||mdr.method||CHAR(10)||'. Process LIKE: '||mdr.process||CHAR(10)||'. Indicator LIKE: '||mdr.indicator info, mdr.process, mdr.indicator FROM mitre_map mm JOIN mitre_detection_rules mdr ON CAST( AS TEXT) = CAST( AS TEXT) AND CAST(mm.subid AS TEXT) = CAST(mdr.subid AS TEXT) ) -- USED TO DEBUG -- SELECT * FROM mitre_map -- SELECT CAST(method AS TEXT) Method, CAST(noise_level AS TEXT) Noise_Level, CAST(id AS TEXT) ID, CAST(subid AS TEXT) SubID, CAST(process AS TEXT) Process, CAST(indicator AS TEXT) Indicator FROM mitre_detection_rules -- SELECT * FROM Rule_Map ORDER BY info -- SELECT * FROM mitre_map UNION ALL SELECT * FROM mitre_detection_rules -- Display the Tree and enrich the CMDLINE SELECT DateTime(starttime,'unixepoch') Date_Time, processBranch, cmdline, -- NOTE GROUP_CONCAT incase a cmdline has multiple TTP hits CAST((SELECT '('||COUNT(info)||') '||CHAR(10)||GROUP_CONCAT(info, CHAR(10)) FROM Rule_Map WHERE processBranch LIKE '%'||process AND Cmdline LIKE indicator) AS TEXT) Mitre_Info, (SELECT username FROM users WHERE uuid = sid) username, sophosPID, (SELECT pathname FROM sophos_process_journal WHERE sophosPID = Full_Tree.sophosPID AND eventtype = 0) pathname, CAST(sha256 AS TEXT) sha256, sid, ROW_NUMBER() OVER() Row_number FROM Full_Tree
And to go deep into the facts in the historic activity records, run the Extended Process tree to see image loads, threads, filesystem, registry and network activity for each member of the tree.
-- Extended Process Tree for a SophosPID -- VARIABLE $$SophosPID$$ sophosPID -- NOTE THE PROCESS OR ANCESTORS MAY STILL BE RUNNING SO HANDLE ENDTIME CORRECTLY by changing endtime for running processes to now + 10 min WITH RECURSIVE -- GET A LIST OF ALL ANCESTORS OF A SOPHOS PID Ancestors(SophosPID, Level, parent, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, start, end) AS ( -- Define the SEED Row as the information on the SophosPID provided SELECT sophosPID, 0, ParentSophosPID, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, time, CASE WHEN (SELECT endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) > 0 THEN (SELECT endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) ELSE strftime('%s','now','+10 minutes') END FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) = 0 UNION ALL -- Recursvly identify all decendents SELECT spj.SophosPID, Level - 1, spj.ParentSophosPID, spj.processname, spj.pathname, spj.cmdline, spj.sha256, spj.sid, spj.time, CASE WHEN (SELECT spj2.endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal spj2 WHERE spj2.SophosPID = spj.SophosPID AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) > 0 THEN (SELECT spj2.endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal spj2 WHERE spj2.SophosPID = spj.SophosPID AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) ELSE strftime('%s','now','+10 minutes') END FROM Ancestors JOIN Sophos_Process_Journal spj ON spj.SophosPID = Ancestors.parent AND CAST(spj.endtime AS INT) = 0 -- Perform a Depth First Search ASC would perform a Breadth First Search ORDER BY 2 DESC ), -- Add Row Numbers to the Ancestor List so we order the tree corretly -- EXCLUDE the line for the specified SophosPID so that when we show the tree we do not have a duplicate row Orderd_Ancestors AS (SELECT SophosPID, Level, parent, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, start, end, -1 * ROW_Number() OVER () Row FROM Ancestors WHERE SophosPID NOT IN ('$$SophosPID$$') ), -- GET A LIST OF ALL DECENDENTS OF A SOPHOS PID -- NOTE THE PROCESS OR CHILDREN MAY STILL BE RUNNING SO HANDLE ENDTIME CORRECTLY by changing endtime for running processes to now + 10 min Children(SophosPID, Level, parent, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, start, end) AS ( -- Define the SEED Row as the information on the SophosPID provided SELECT sophosPID, 0, ParentSophosPID, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, time, CASE WHEN (SELECT endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) > 0 THEN (SELECT endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) ELSE strftime('%s','now','+10 minutes') END FROM sophos_process_Journal WHERE sophos_process_journal.SophosPID = '$$SophosPID$$' AND CAST(endtime AS INT) = 0 UNION ALL -- Recursvly identify all decendents SELECT spj.SophosPID, Level +1, spj.ParentSophosPID, spj.processname, spj.pathname, spj.cmdline, spj.sha256, spj.sid, spj.time, CASE WHEN (SELECT spj2.endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal spj2 WHERE spj2.SophosPID = spj.SophosPID AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) > 0 THEN (SELECT spj2.endtime FROM sophos_process_Journal spj2 WHERE spj2.SophosPID = spj.SophosPID AND CAST(endtime AS INT) > 0) ELSE strftime('%s','now','+10 minutes') END FROM Children JOIN Sophos_Process_Journal spj ON spj.ParentSophosPID = Children.SophosPID AND CAST(spj.endtime AS INT) = 0 AND spj.time > Children.start -5 and spj.time < Children.end +3600 -- Perform a Depth First Search ASC would perform a Breadth First Search ORDER BY 2 DESC ), -- Add Row Numbers to the Decendent List so we order the tree corretly Orderd_Descendants AS (SELECT SophosPID, Level, parent, processname, pathname, cmdline, sha256, sid, start, end, ROW_Number() OVER () Row FROM Children), -- Now collect the activity for all descendents and the selected sophosPID using a UNION to list the decendent then the file activity it had File_Activity AS ( -- FOR ANCESTORS WE WILL ONLY SHOW THE PROCESS TREE INFO (No activity will be collected) SELECT REPLACE(DATETIME(A.start,'unixepoch'), ' ','T') Date_Time, CASE A.SophosPID WHEN '$$SophosPID$$' THEN A.ProcessName ELSE substr('< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < ', 1, A.Level * -2) || A.processName END Process_Tree, '-----------' Subject, '-----------' Action, '-----------' Object, CAST(A.cmdline AS TEXT) Cmd_Line, A.SophosPID SophosPID, A.pathname Process_Pathname, A.sha256 Process_SHA256, A.SID Process_SID, A.Level Level, A.Row Row, 0 Sub_Row, a.start time FROM Orderd_Ancestors A UNION ALL -- SHOW THE PROCESS TREE INFO FOR DESCENDENTS SELECT REPLACE(DATETIME(D.start,'unixepoch'), ' ','T') Date_Time, CASE D.SophosPID WHEN '$$SophosPID$$' THEN D.ProcessName ELSE substr('> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ', 1, D.Level * 2) || D.processName END Process_Tree, '-----------' Subject, '-----------' Action, '-----------' Object, CAST(D.cmdline AS TEXT) Cmd_Line, D.SophosPID SophosPID, D.pathname Process_Pathname, D.sha256 Process_SHA256, D.SID Process_SID, D.Level Level, D.Row Row, 0 Sub_Row, D.start time FROM Orderd_Descendants D UNION ALL -- ADD THE PROCESS ACTIVITY FOR EACH DESCENDENT SELECT REPLACE(DATETIME(MIN(spa.time),'unixepoch'),' ','T') Date_Time, CASE D.SophosPID WHEN '$$SophosPID$$' THEN '( '||D.processname||' ) ACTIVITY' ELSE substr('~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~', 1, D.Level * 2) || '( '||D.processname||' ) ACTIVITY' END Process_Tree, spa.subject Subject, CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT spa.action)||' ('||COUNT(spa.action)||')' AS TEXT) Action, spa.object, CAST(D.cmdline AS TEXT) Cmd_Line, D.SophosPID SophosPID, D.pathname Process_Pathname, D.sha256 Process_SHA256, D.SID Process_SID, '' Level, D.Row Row, 1 Sub_Row, spa.time time -- NOTE The details for each process does not include 'FileDataReads', 'FileOtherReads', 'FileBinaryReads', 'Image', 'Thread' FROM Orderd_Descendants D LEFT JOIN Sophos_Process_Activity spa ON -- spa.subject IN ('Thread','DirectoryChanges','Dns','FileBinaryChanges','FileDataChanges','FileOtherChanges','Http','Ip','Network','Url','Registry','Process') -- AND spa.SophosPID = D.SophosPID AND spa.time > D.start-1 AND spa.time < D.end+1 WHERE spa.subject > '' GROUP BY spa.subject, spa.action, spa.object, spa.SophosPID, D.processname, D.SophosPID, D.pathname, D.sha256, D.SID ) -- Now that we have all activity for each descendent, we need to provide the pretty list showing the Process Tree and File activity for each process in the tree SELECT Date_Time, Process_Tree, Subject, Action, Object, Cmd_Line, SophosPID, Process_Pathname, Process_SHA256, Process_SID, row, sub_row, time,ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY Row, Sub_Row, Time) SORT_ORDER_FOR_EXCEL FROM File_Activity ORDER By SORT_ORDER_FOR_EXCEL