Parameters setup on the Sophos Central Deployment Script
The parameters section is used to pass information to the Sophos Central Deployment Script. This includes the Customer Token and Products to be deployed during the installation.
Each Customer will need a Parameter added in order to deploy Sophos Central Endpoint into the correct Sophos Central Admin Account.
Parameters Format
Customer Name -c "Customer Token" -p "Product to deploy"
Customer Name - The Customer name must be one word, no spaces or special characters
-c is used to pipe in the Customer Token from the Managed Customers CSV file in Central Partner Dashboard
-p is used to pipe in the product code for what needs to be deployed during the initial setup.
Product Codes - CIXE, CIXA, CIXAXDR, MDR, All, Encrypt
CIXE - Sophos Central Intercept X Essentials
CIXA - Sophos Central Intercept X Advanced
CIXAXDR - Sophos Central Intercept X Advanced with XDR
MDR - Sophos Central Intercept X Advanced with MTR
All - This installs the Endpoint licensed and Device Encryption
Encrypt - Device Encryption Only
***Only the five product codes listed above will work. Any other variation will fail***