conflicting location public ip address

when configuring one of our locations, I run into below error. and indeed this location stays offline in reporting. who within Sophos can point me privately towards where our public ip address might be registered?

IP address for FQDN in location Belgium is now conflicting with another customer. DNS traffic originating from this address is subject to the other customer's policy and will be visible in their account. Please check your configuration.



  •   Currently due to lack of Agent support, we serve locations based on first come first serve basis. 

    For this instance another sophos customer has configured a locationin DNS protection before you and that's reason you are seeing the alert. We would suggest you to please get a leased ip address if possible. 

    For any further query or help you can drop an email to



    DNS Protection has stopped resolving DNS requests from a location.

    What to do

    This issue might occur for the following reasons:

    • The FQDN you entered in the location isn't resolving to a valid IP address. You must check your DNS configuration to resolve this.
    • The IP address (static or resolved via DDNS fqdn) you entered or the IP address (static or resolved via an FQDN) in the location conflicts with another user. DNS Protection gives precedence to the user who created the location first. In this case, we recommend you ask your ISP for a unique IP address.

    You can see alerts for these issues on the Alerts page in Sophos Central.

  • I got this error when we switched our DNS and Registrar to Cloudflare and Cloudflare's default DNS setting is Proxy. So traffic to our domain (including, evidently Sophos Central) was going through Cloudflare. I switched the Cloudflare DNS (on their dashboard) to DNS ONLY and that fixed it.

    The error message was very scary to see, and the firewall did disappear from Central, and I was wondering if Cloudflare got control over it or the first Sophos customer on Cloudflare or who... and if they'd logged into their Sophos Central, could they have modified/hacked/taken control of my firewall?