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Sophos blocks Google Translate

When I try to access google Translate the firewall blocks it for category "proxys and translators"

I can't find such a category in my webfilter rules

I also did a policy test and it came back positive

And in my "Default Workplace Policy" there is no category called "Translators"

Can anyone help me with this?

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  • Hi   Thank you for reaching out to the Sophos community team. Is Sophos Antivirus also running on the same end machine? If yes can you please check endpoint side logs as it may possibly it is getting blocked from Sophos central endpoint policy web protection settings?  As denied snapshot seems to be or is suspected to be from Endpoint and not from Sophos XG.


    Browse the same website from any other machine where the Sophos endpoint is not running and confirm the status for that machine(for which traffic on the firewall is passing via the same rule where this blocked machine traffic is passing). So this will narrow down this situation and based on this you may troubleshoot it further.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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    • Hi Vishal,

      thanks for the answer. Yes. We have Sophos Endpoint protection.

      Sophos Central tells me this:

      Where can I edit the policies for endpoint in Sophos Central?

      • Hi  You can put websites into your own custom categories ("tag" them) and then use a web control policy to control sites in each category.

        To set this up, do as follows.

        1. In Endpoint or Server Protection, go to Settings > Website Management.
        2. Click Add.
        3. In Add Website Customization, enter a website and add a tag. You can either type in a new tag name or select a tag you've used before (you'll see suggested tags when you start typing). Click Save.
        4. In Endpoint or Server Protection, go to Policies > Web Control and select a policy.
        5. Click the Settings tab.
        6. Turn on Control sites tagged in Website Management.
        7. Click Add New on the right of the page.
        8. In Add Website Tag, do as follows.
          • Select the website tag you created.
          • Choose the Action you want to take against websites.
          • Click Save.
        9. At the top of the policy, click Save.

          If need further help you may check with the Support ticket to allow it with the help of the support team if the above steps are not helping. 


        Vishal Ranpariya
        Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

        Sophos Support Videos | Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport | Sign up for SMS Alerts |
        If a post solves your question use the 'Verify Answer' link.

        • Thank you!

          I found another way under Sophos Central -> Endpoint Protection -> Policies -> Base Policy -> and then I don't know how it is called in english:

          But I will look into your solution too