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Sophos SG-125 UTM9: OTP QR code doesn't work and loops


I tried to setup a TOTP feature upon SSL VPN and User Portal.

I did the same mistake as described in post user Vhince Chua ( Change OTP tokens from SHA-1 to SHA-256) and user post Fabio Canabarro (Sophos SG UTM: OTP QR Code doesn't work) and used Google Authenticator with SHA256 configured in UTM9

I deleted the token generated and tried configuration with SHA1.

User Portal, logged in my user, QR-code appears, flashed it using Sophos InterceptX Authenticator (tried also Google Authenticator), the token is well generated on phone but nothing happens on user portal, QR stays displayed, if I click the button 'Continue connection', send back to User Portal credential, then displaying QR-code again.

Refreshing TOTP tab in WebAdmin, user token is present.

Any ideas to resolve this problem ?

Thanks for your support,

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