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Is anyone having issues with iDevices (iPhone, iPad, etc.) connecting?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Dirk,


    the following was tested:

    Reboot Router Or Modem (UTM)

    - Hard Reboot Your Device

    - Forget & Rejoin WiFi Network

    - Reset Network Settings

    - Toggle Wi-Fi Assist

    - Toggle Location Services For Wi-Fi Networking

    - Build new WLAN on UTM

    So the only thing I did not do is the clean install of the os.

    Kind regards



  • Hi,


    can you open a support request so that we can have a look at the APs ourselves? We need to check what the beacons are looking like + what the interface configuration is, so that we can do a reproduction in-house.


    Next to iPhone5, have you seen it on any other device type? Is there any iPhone5 in your environment that doesn't show this behaviour?


    Kind regards,


    Dirk Bolte