Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
i am currently using a Sophos SG 125 Rev. 3 appliance with SFOS (business). I would now like to replace this with an XGS appliance. The question I have is whether it should be an XGS118 or XGS128? In order to make a better decision, I would like to know the hardware specifications of the appliances. This document from Sophos (see link *) already gives me some information. But not everything. In particular, I would be interested in the CPUs and NIC types installed. Maybe someone can help me here?
The second question I have is the following. I am currently (privately) using an Sophos SG 210 Rev. 3 appliance with a Sophos Firewall Home license (based on SFOS). Now I could get a Flexi-Port module with two 10G SFP+ modules. However, I have read (see link *) that the Sophos Firewall Home license only supports a bandwidth of 1G. Is this correct?
* Link: Sophos Firewall Home
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
the interface speeds are limited by your connection device, not the firmware unless you have QOS enabled.
I have an XGS118 and it has NICs that are capable to 2.5gb/s. I have one port (LAN) connected to a 10gb/s switch and the XGS118 shows the connection speed of 2.5gb/s.
Knowing the CPU will not help because the XGS118 has other devices to provide improved throughput and throughput also depends very much on your firewall rule settings eg IPS.
XGS118 - v21.0.1 MR1
XG115 converted to software licence v21.0.1 MR-1
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@rfcat_vk: Thank you very much for your answers.
I think regarding my business situation it makes the most sense to talk to my Sophos partner again to make the best decision.
Regarding my second question, I think I did not formulate it correctly. So I'll try asking it again in a different way - thank you for your answer - what you wrote is of course correct.
According to the Sophos article itself, there is a bandwidth limitation for network interfaces for the Sophos Firewall Home license. This means that if I were to install a Flexi-Port module with two 10G SFP+ network interfaces in my SG 210 Rev. 3, this would be possible, but I would only be able to use 1G bandwidth of the interfaces, as this is limited by the license. At least that's my understanding, the question is, is that correct?
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,
as a first time poster you have included too many links even though they are from Sophos sites.
No, it is not limited by the licence, but by the hardware you are using.
XGS118 - v21.0.1 MR1
XG115 converted to software licence v21.0.1 MR-1
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to give more info to answer your first question:
XGS 118 - specifications:
Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,
Philipp Rusch
New Vision GmbH, Germany
Sophos Silver-Partner
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Technical specifications for XGS 128
Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,
Philipp Rusch
New Vision GmbH, Germany
Sophos Silver-Partner
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