Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.
how come that Sophos XGS simply cannot resolve NetBIOS names for clients, which it served DHCP to? For example, Sophos XGS-136 assigned IP via DHCP to a client, which is listed in DHCP lease list as Computer-alpha, but going to diag or queriying Sophos for NSLOOKUP computer-apha resolves nothing. I am somehow used that device, which delivers IPs will know, what it did and will be able to resolve them back and forth.
What am I missing?
For example, I want to configure network scanner to send documents to a dozen of computers to their local shared folder. Sophos serves IPs via DHCP, all clients are Wireless, and most natural way would be to setup target folders on scanner via NetBIOS names. At least I did so for every config for many years everywhere, and it simply works. But now when I changed to Sophos, I have to find another solution. And worth mention, DHCP reservations is again something, what Sophos implements just the other way around, not like any other vendor.