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Interface reports red in the dashboard



We have an XG Firewall 17.5.11 which uses a VLAN for WAN connectivity. Internet connectivity is fine however the 'interfaces' icon is red from what i can only assume is the physical port which is set to DHCP  and does not have the ability to PING an external address for validation.

Any suggestions for how to resolve this?




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Parents Reply
  • Hi  

    Would you try with below steps that may help you to overcome the issue which you are observing with Interface and Gateway status. 

    In your current setup and settings your actual Port2 which is set with WAN via DHCP is not getting used at all and as it is set to WAN giving the down status on Interface and Gateway tab.

    I would suggest below steps:

    1) Remove the current settings of Port2 completely.

    2) Re configure main physical Port2 with zone LAN or DMZ with any fake static IP.

    3) Add VLAN over Port2 with zone as in WAN with ISP IP assignment method ( In your case DHCP).

    This will fix the issue. 

    Note: As this changes is related to WAN Interface request you to take a backup for safety measure with current settings and try this steps with appropriate downtime.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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