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Sophos Update manager failing with 8040410 error Software Subscription was invalid (corrupt or incomplete)



Were running Sophos on premises Enterprise Console 5.5. Updates started to fail about a week ago with the error in the heading. Our license is good till 2018. EC Log viewer shows the following errors (examples there multiple occurences of these errors):

19/07/2017 13:16:29    Error    Decoding of product release F1DAD925-C973-4e5e-B172-78E97EB60689 version RECOMMENDED was not done because the synchronization failed.

19/07/2017 13:16:29    Error    Version information for product 'F1DAD925-C973-4e5e-B172-78E97EB60689' was not gathered by dispatcher 'DispatcherSupplements-2017-07-19T12-09-45-1', as the last synchronization of that product failed.

19/07/2017 13:09:50    Error    The synchronization of product release 'F1DAD925-C973-4e5e-B172-78E97EB60689' failed as a required part 'F1DAD925-C973-4e5e-B172-78E97EB60689' could not be found.

I've tried stop SUM service and clearing out Warehouse, Working and CIDs directories on the Update Manager Server and then restarting SUM service but without any luck. Any suggestions would be appreciated before I raise a call with Sophos.

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  • Hello don,

    did you check whether you have a subscription for a product that has been retired (as per the 80040410 article)? Haven't seen F1DAD925-C973-4E5E-B172-78E97EB60689 recently.


  • Hi Christian,

    That's interesting.


    The two  subscriptions we're using are:

    Windows Recommended - for computers that need the most upto date protection. KBA 119216.

    Linux  - 9 recommended.


    I think we are only have subs to current products but that key is telling you something then maybe there's something up. On a skim look through in log viewer all the errors refer to F1DAD925-C973-4E5E-B172-78E97EB60689 - so on that basis I had a look around our endpoint Updating poliy appears to have this:

    Okay I'll remove F1D etc. We rejigged some preview and previous updates recently. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • Thanks. Something has gone wrong with the Recommend sub. I've set the update to Previous Recommended (not ideal) but SUM is now working. We had set Previous Recommended before for a short while to help manage network bandwidth due to a large update. We then began to switch back to Recommend. Something has gone awry. SUM is now updating but against Previous. I'm not sure why it's registering Recommended in the way that it is. The downside is that AV will probably be resetup on the client but at least the identity files will be upto date. Hopefully. Again I'll post anymore info I have here but do you know anyway of deleting the current Recommend sub and re-creating.

  • Hello don,

    AFAIK the available products and their details are downloaded from the Sophos warehouse and stored in \Warehouse\catalogue - can't check right now if there's still a sumcf.dat. As you've emptied the Warehouse this should have been recreated though.
    You say it's the RECOMMENDED Linux version or all Recommended? There could be some error on the backend and if your product list seems to be corrupt you should contact


  • Hello don,

    please see also the Sophos Update Manager failed thread.


  • Thanks for your help Christian. I'm about go on leave hurrah - so wanted to make sure updates are working. Linux = Recommended. Windows was Recommended. Now Previous recommended. Previous recommended is updating but not ideal. When I get from leave I'll check out the Recommend issue and probably raise with Sophos Support .

    The client has the latest ide based on : so though not perfect that gives me time to look at this in detail when I get back your posts were very helpful.

  • Hello don,

    enjoy your leave.
    If I understand the answer in the other thread correctly it was an issue with a selected retired subscription. There's some logic in SUM which together with the information from the backend automatically updates such a subscription. Under the covers it's not complicated but complex. Interestingly the same product ID was mentioned by paulus tamba although the "offending" subscription was 10.3 for Windows. So maybe it will "correct itself" (or there was indeed an issue on the backend).

    As you mention Previous Recommended - you're not using (or have opted for) fixed packages (Tools → Configure Use of Fixed Packages ...), are you? But as you're about to go on leave - don't fiddle with it!
