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email notifications

I'm new to this product.  I'm running on an ubuntu 14.04 dekstop.

How do I get email notifications?  I have tried to configure them to use my googlemail smtp account (smtp, but I get no emails.  I also get no desktop notifications.  All the options in "the Alerts Configuration" Gui page are ticked and set.

Is there any way to get alerts sent to my email address, or to the desktop, or even to a file?


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  • Without some form of auotmated alert the free version isn't really going to help users much.  I don't know if the 'premium' one is any better.

    Please somebody - there must be a way to get told if a virus is detected.

    I'm on an ubuntu 14.04 desktop.  I do not have a home email server.

  • Hi,

    Have a look at the /opt/sophos-av/log/smtp.log* files - errors sending mail should be logged there.  Gmail could be a problem - they apparently accept only SSL or STARTTLS on their smtp-servers and I couldn't find a way to configure Sophos to use encryption while sending the notifications.

    best regards


  • Thanks.  The log just gives me a socket error.  I don't know enough to work out a solution, and Sophos don't seem to want to help free users make it work.

    So, Sophos,  how do I get some, any, form of notificaton?

  • Hi Pastim, 

    can you please try setting alerts/notifications using ./savconfig in /opt/sophos-av/bin rather than using the UI?

    you can check existing savconfig settings with ./savconfig -v --all or ./savconfig -v --advanced on the command line 

    Here below is a link to the SAV for Linux config guide withthe relevant sections as well as some KBAs on the subject:

    14.2 Configuring command line alerts.
    14.3 Configuring email alerts. 

    Please also see the following KBAs:



  • Thanks.  I had already looked at the manuals, and tried command line commands.  My settings are below.  I have set the email sender to my googlemail email address several times (with sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savconfig set EmailSender ....) but it doesn't show in this list.

    AutomaticAction: disinfect
    EmailDemandSummaryIfThreat: true
    EmailLanguage: English
    EmailNotifier: true
    EnableOnStart: true
    ExcludeFilePaths: /nfs/mnt/VB/
    ExclusionEncodings: UTF-8
    HttpPassword: ********
    HttpPort: 8084
    HttpUsername: admin
    LogMaxSizeMB: 100
    LogMessage: Sophos log alert to Tim
    NotifyOnUpdate: false
    PrimaryUpdateSourcePath: sophos:
    PrimaryUpdateUsername: FAVLw6ADAC07O
    PrimaryUpdatePassword: ********
    ScanErrorMessage: Sophos scan error alert to Tim
    SendErrorEmail: true
    SendThreatEmail: true
    ThreatMessage: Sophos virus alert to Tim
    UIContactMessage: Sophos alert to Tim
    UINotifier: true
    UIpopupNotification: true
    UIttyNotification: true
    UpdatePeriodMinutes: 60
    NamedScans Not configured
    LiveProtection: enabled
    ScanArchives: enabled

    Please note that the first kba link (118375) doesn't exist.

  • That link is not helpful.  I posted my configuration in an earlier post. Is anything wrong with it?

    Does this softwsare work with exterrnal secure email services such as googlemail?  If so, how?  Does it need a googlemail password?  There is no way to configure that as far as I can tell, and the user name does not show on the report.

    Does this service provide any desktop notifications on ubuntu?

    My inclincation at present is to beleive that it does not do either of these things, but I would like to be told otherwise.  

    Has anyone else made this work?


  • Hi Pastim,

    Apologies for th delay in gettng back to you.

    I've been discussing this with our development team and we suspect there could be an issue configuring googlemail for notfications in this way.

    Can you please send us the /opt/sophos-av/log/smtp.log* files and also generate a savdiagnose file from the machine as follows:

    From a console terminal run the following command with root privileges

    (If you installed SAV to a non-standard directory, you will need to change the path below)

    /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdstatus --diagnose

    The files will be archived into a file called SAV_diagnose_[DATE]_[TIME].zip in the directory where you ran the command from.



  • I did have some logs, but they stopped being produced after a few days.

    So I'm sorry, but I've given up and uninstalled the product.  There are simply too many problems with this software.  Not just emails, but no notifications to the desktop, the system locking up, many hundreds of errors in syslog, and so on.

    The sophos support desk at were moist unhelpful, with several emails insisting I must be using a MAC, which I'm not, and referring to the knowledgebase which had no relevant help.

    I'm no expert, but have spent a lifetime in IT, and this product is clearly unsuitable for normal linux desktop usage, even for those prepared to try quite hard to resolve issues.  So I know this type of usage is not your speciality, but it does not seem to be fit for this purpose, so I won't be trying any other sophos products, paid or free.

  • I have the same issue. I'm trying to set up Sophos for Linux email notifications on an AWS Linux AMI and using an AWS email smtp server, however the smtp.log shows "SMTP sender refused ....". There should be a way to configure a login userid and password as many smtp servers require this.
