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email notifications

I'm new to this product.  I'm running on an ubuntu 14.04 dekstop.

How do I get email notifications?  I have tried to configure them to use my googlemail smtp account (smtp, but I get no emails.  I also get no desktop notifications.  All the options in "the Alerts Configuration" Gui page are ticked and set.

Is there any way to get alerts sent to my email address, or to the desktop, or even to a file?


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  • Thanks.  I had already looked at the manuals, and tried command line commands.  My settings are below.  I have set the email sender to my googlemail email address several times (with sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savconfig set EmailSender ....) but it doesn't show in this list.

    AutomaticAction: disinfect
    EmailDemandSummaryIfThreat: true
    EmailLanguage: English
    EmailNotifier: true
    EnableOnStart: true
    ExcludeFilePaths: /nfs/mnt/VB/
    ExclusionEncodings: UTF-8
    HttpPassword: ********
    HttpPort: 8084
    HttpUsername: admin
    LogMaxSizeMB: 100
    LogMessage: Sophos log alert to Tim
    NotifyOnUpdate: false
    PrimaryUpdateSourcePath: sophos:
    PrimaryUpdateUsername: FAVLw6ADAC07O
    PrimaryUpdatePassword: ********
    ScanErrorMessage: Sophos scan error alert to Tim
    SendErrorEmail: true
    SendThreatEmail: true
    ThreatMessage: Sophos virus alert to Tim
    UIContactMessage: Sophos alert to Tim
    UINotifier: true
    UIpopupNotification: true
    UIttyNotification: true
    UpdatePeriodMinutes: 60
    NamedScans Not configured
    LiveProtection: enabled
    ScanArchives: enabled

    Please note that the first kba link (118375) doesn't exist.

  • Thanks.  I had already looked at the manuals, and tried command line commands.  My settings are below.  I have set the email sender to my googlemail email address several times (with sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savconfig set EmailSender ....) but it doesn't show in this list.

    AutomaticAction: disinfect
    EmailDemandSummaryIfThreat: true
    EmailLanguage: English
    EmailNotifier: true
    EnableOnStart: true
    ExcludeFilePaths: /nfs/mnt/VB/
    ExclusionEncodings: UTF-8
    HttpPassword: ********
    HttpPort: 8084
    HttpUsername: admin
    LogMaxSizeMB: 100
    LogMessage: Sophos log alert to Tim
    NotifyOnUpdate: false
    PrimaryUpdateSourcePath: sophos:
    PrimaryUpdateUsername: FAVLw6ADAC07O
    PrimaryUpdatePassword: ********
    ScanErrorMessage: Sophos scan error alert to Tim
    SendErrorEmail: true
    SendThreatEmail: true
    ThreatMessage: Sophos virus alert to Tim
    UIContactMessage: Sophos alert to Tim
    UINotifier: true
    UIpopupNotification: true
    UIttyNotification: true
    UpdatePeriodMinutes: 60
    NamedScans Not configured
    LiveProtection: enabled
    ScanArchives: enabled

    Please note that the first kba link (118375) doesn't exist.

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