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email notifications

I'm new to this product.  I'm running on an ubuntu 14.04 dekstop.

How do I get email notifications?  I have tried to configure them to use my googlemail smtp account (smtp, but I get no emails.  I also get no desktop notifications.  All the options in "the Alerts Configuration" Gui page are ticked and set.

Is there any way to get alerts sent to my email address, or to the desktop, or even to a file?


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  • That link is not helpful.  I posted my configuration in an earlier post. Is anything wrong with it?

    Does this softwsare work with exterrnal secure email services such as googlemail?  If so, how?  Does it need a googlemail password?  There is no way to configure that as far as I can tell, and the user name does not show on the report.

    Does this service provide any desktop notifications on ubuntu?

    My inclincation at present is to beleive that it does not do either of these things, but I would like to be told otherwise.  

    Has anyone else made this work?


  • That link is not helpful.  I posted my configuration in an earlier post. Is anything wrong with it?

    Does this softwsare work with exterrnal secure email services such as googlemail?  If so, how?  Does it need a googlemail password?  There is no way to configure that as far as I can tell, and the user name does not show on the report.

    Does this service provide any desktop notifications on ubuntu?

    My inclincation at present is to beleive that it does not do either of these things, but I would like to be told otherwise.  

    Has anyone else made this work?


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