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My community account is getting flagged every single time I post anything


A few months ago, I have created this Sophos-Community-Account, since I wanted to participate in the community. Unfortunately, every single time I post anything, my posts are withheld, and I get the notification, that my account has been flagged as abusive due to exceeding the post limit. Then I have always to appeal to the blockage of my account and it gets lifted by some moderator again.

I really do not understand this, since I did never post exceedingly many posts, or post anything that is violating the community rules. In fact this issue has started with the first post I have ever made, and never gone away. 

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!

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  • Hi,

    Upon checking, we found that you're using an email account that isn’t registered to our Support Portal. Since you’re a genuine user seeking assistance, we have approved the account as requested. However, it’ll still be moderated for some time to further determine any spammer/bot account.

    Please note that all links posted will be flagged before approval. We have a strict whitelist for approved links/websites. Legitimate links are added to our whitelist as we come across them through our moderation process.

    I'm sorry for the frustration. I hope you can get the assistance you seek on the Sophos community forums.

    If you’re a business user, use your registered Support Portal account in the community to avoid this automatic moderation.

    Erick Jan
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi,

    my account has the same issue. Cloud you please have a look? I´m using my freemail e-mail here, because this account is my private community account. My support user uses my business address.


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