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Setting up RED 50 with UTM 9

I am new on the job, about 8 months, and new to the SOPHOS devices.  The question I have is understanding the role of the Interfaces and Routing on the UTM 9 and the RED 50.  I have registered the RED 50 and created a successful tunnel between the RED 50 and UTM 9.  After the tunnel was established, I was troubleshooting an issue with another Tech and we managed to get things out of synch.  So I stated with the Admin Guide for the UTM 9 and the setup manual for the RED 50 to gain a working knowledge of the various sections involved between the UTM 9 and RED 50.

Our application for the RED 50 is a little different than the normal intended setup / use.  We have an offsite location which is used for Disaster Recovery, where the RED 50 is located to provide a secure connection which we will backup daily from our main office location where the UTM 9 is located.  We are not extending our network to a satellite office like most of the examples I am finding.  The RED 50 is located in a different network schema than our main office also, the vendor for the site TierPoint provides this location for several companies offsite backup storage and other network equipment.  TierPoint is providing us with an Internet network connection, through their network.  We have been given a range of 5 IP addresses to assign to our equipment "Statically", along with their Subnet Mask, and Gateway.  The following is the Network Schema for TierPoint:


Range: through 246 to assign

RED 50 Assigned to

Subnet Mask:


I have attached a diagram of the network.  Under RED Management > [Serve] Client Management tab in the UTM 9, we have configured the RED 50 (reds1) with UTM Hostname (UTM 9) connection, same for 2nd Hostname, Uplink mode: Static, Address:, Netmask: /29 (, Def GW:, DNS Sever: (google).

The question is how is the Interface & Routing > Interfaces supposed to be configured?  Diagram of Off Site Disaster Recovery Connection RED 50.pdf (attachment)

Thank you for your help

James Peterson


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  • Hi, James, and welcome to the UTM Community!

    Instead of linking to a site that we don't know is safe, please drag-n-drop your diagram into your post.

    I have attached a diagram of the network.  Under RED Management > [Serve] Client Management tab in the UTM 9, we have configured the RED 50 (reds1) with UTM Hostname (UTM 9) connection, same for 2nd Hostname, Uplink mode: Static, Address:, Netmask: /29 (, Def GW:, DNS Sever: (google).

    I'm confused that you would assign an IP in your DR site as the 2nd Hostname for the RED - if it calls itself, it won't answer. [;)]  Please insert a picture of the Edite of the definition of the RED in your UTM.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • I understand what you are saying, and it just dawned on me that the 2nd UTM Hostname is used for another UTM 9 device if you have one, and we don't so that needs to be changed to, so does the 2nd Uplink mode refer to that second device if you have open and should be blank as well?  I am dragging and dropping a png of the RED edit screen along with the others that are associated with this device.

    First Diagram is a changed from PDF to PNG file:

    I found the insert file section of the menu so hopefully this works -

    Edit of RED 50 from the UTM:

    Edit of UTM Interface > Interfaces & Routing:

    Edit of UTM Network Protection Firewall:

    Edit of UTM Network Services DHCP:

  • Thanks, James, that's helpful.

    First, you commented that "the 2nd UTM Hostname is used for another UTM 9 device," but that's not the case.  A RED can belong only to a single UTM.  The 2nd Hostname would be the FQDN of a second ISP connection on your UTM, otherwise, it must be left empty.  Yes, the 2nd Uplink Mode is for the 2nd Hostname.

    You have a PM from me.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA