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Change OTP tokens from SHA-1 to SHA-256

Hi Everyone,

I want to know if there will be effect on existing users or connection using SHA1 generated tokens if it is change to a more secured Hash algorithm (SHA256 and SHA512)?

Setup s in production and it is applied to OTP facilities for User Portal, IPsec Remote Access, SSL VPN Remote Access and Hotspot


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Parents Reply
  • Hi. I edited my post, because the link of labanskoller blog didn't work.

    The functions of the different APPs are shown very well -> have a look!

    The problem can only be seen at second glance when the offered OTPs do not work.
    Most APPs import the key, but do not notice that they are not allowed to calculate SHA1 with them.
    Result: No error message from the APP when scanning the barcode - but the OTP is incorrect.

    Cheers, Janbo

    --- UTM lover ;-)

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