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Bug report handling

This forum is monitored infrequently by Sophos staff members. Please contact our support for any urgent bug or other kind of support request. 


When posting a bug, please consider to include the following information if available:

  • What exactly does not work and the impact of this
  • If available: a step-by-step manual to reproduce the bug
  • Screenshots (as this is a public forum, please anonymise all data like names, addresses, ...)
  • Product the bug appears on (Sophos Central, XG, SG)
  • Version of the product

Your bugs will be tracked in our internal bug tracking system. We will post an ID as reference.


For every Sophos Central release, we post release notes to the blog in this community. You can match the jira IDs there. Additionally, we will update the individual forum entries when a bugfix was deployed.

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