Sophos Wireless Update 2.3.1 - Firmware (staged release)


 Sophos Wireless v2.3.1-5 brings support for the new APX 320X outdoor access point plus a few bug fixes to improve your overall Wi-Fi experience.

APX 320X Outdoor Access Point

The new APX 320X outdoor access point will start shipping from September 21st, 2020. This model supports the same features as the other APX platforms but please note that in some regions, regulatory restrictions on the use of some 5 GHz channels in outdoor environments will prevent the use of Radio-1. See this article for a full list of countries.

The APX 320X can be used with either the supplied Omni-directional antenna or with an optional sector or directional antenna (available for separate purchase) which need to be configured in the user interface on the Access Point page. See image below.

Antenna Options:

  1. Omni (for the Omni-directional antennas delivered with every unit)
  2. Degree 30 – Directional antenna
  3. Degree 120 – Sector antenna

Bug Fixes

Issue Key



Radius based username is not updating post Social Login connection



Access Point Transmission values are not getting updated on Sophos Central



APX120 Crashes during Registration and Config push


Known Issues

Issue Key




Connected device details are not displayed on “Devices” page intermittently



Scan from cloud central page is not working when Sync Security endpoint status is red


APs go offline intermittently while operating on low Tx power and with multiple SSIDs configured 

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