Switch is labeled as offline on Sophos Central even though it is accessible via SSH


I am encountering an issue that a switch is labled as "offline" on Sophos Central even though it is accessible via SSH. Does Sophos Central or your switch have this kind of known issue? Based on the kb article "">support.sophos.com/.../KB-000045349, I have done the following but the symptom is not resolved yet:

1. Disabled SNTP and enabled it again

configure terminal
set sntp client disabled
set sntp client enabled

2. Changed the SNTP server pointing from "pool.ntp.org" to "0.sophos.pool.ntp.org".

If you need further clarification on this, please let me know.

Edited TAGs
[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 11:27 AM (GMT -8) on 2 Feb 2024]