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Errors with SMC on iOS12 Open Beta

Hello community,


I've been testing iOS 12 Beta on my iPhone6 and I'm experiencing some troubles. First SMC coldn't sync (error 2033) so i tried to delete and reroll the device in SMC but it woun't let me. First there was a certificate issue displayed and then the enrollment/configuration profile fails to install with "a network error occured" message.


I reckon that this may be caused my the iOS12 Beta. My coworker (also with iOS12) have the same problem. All the other devices with non-beta-firmwares seem to look and work regularly.


Can anyone confirm this issue?

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  • We are using the latest version of the app and Server Version 7.0.10 rev 9932


    I always testing smc with the latest iOS even if its beta and never experianced any issues before. This was the first time. Whatever if it's not supported so far then everything is clear. Thanks for your reply and the info.