We are excited to announce the below improvements that are planned to be released on January 15th, 2025. These product enhancements aim to improve the experience for partners that wish to sync product usage details into the PSA.

Firewall monthly usage data is now available to be configured to sync to ConnectWise PSA and Autotask

Please ensure the following steps are complete in order to take advantage of the new automation -

  1. Make sure a Monthly service contracts is mapped for the Sophos tenant in the Sophos Central Partner Dashboard PSA Integration page
  2. After clicking Configure next to Usage Sync in Sophos Central, map the desired Sophos Firewall products to the PSA products, and mark them Enabled for Sync
  3. Click on Sync Settings to select that all products should be synced to the PSA only once - "With Sophos monthly invoice". This will apply to all products not only Firewalls.

ConnectWise PSA documentation - 

Autotask documentation - 

ConnectWise PSA Usage Sync Frequency can be configured to sync on a monthly basis instead of daily, and it can match the usage quantities in the invoice

Two new sync frequency options have been made available for ConnectWise PSA partners, when clicking the Configure button next to Usage Sync in Sophos Central Partner Dashboard PSA Integration page, and then clicking on Sync Settings -

  1. Monthly, on the day of the month of your choosing
  2. Monthly, towards the end of the month to match the usage quantities in the distributor's invoice. This option is called "With Sophos monthly invoice"

ConnectWise PSA documentation

sync settings frequency options screenshot