We are excited to announce major updates to both the ConnectWise Automate and Kaseya VSA 9 plugins, which are expected to save considerable time for MSP's.

When you upgrade to the latest plugins, you'd be able to take advantage of the following enhancements:

  1. Customer onboarding no longer requires assignment of customer tokens in order to facilitate Sophos agent deployment. The plugin uses API's to fetch the appropriate information about the Sophos tenant that you have mapped.
  2. Improved user experience for managing deployment exclusions.
  3. No need to select a specific product component for deployment - you can select a new option "Automatic (license based)", which will automatically assign the relevant components based on the licenses you assigned to each tenant in Sophos Central.

Specifically for the ConnectWise Automate plugin, you would also have the below enhancements:

  1. Mac devices are supported as Windows devices - your team can take actions on Mac endpoints from the Automate plugin.
  2. Improved logging.

ConnectWise Automate plugin upgrade instructions can be found here

Kaseya VSA 9 plugin upgrade instructions can be found here