UTM Up2DateHello everyone,

Until recently,  we have posted product announcements (firmware updates, feature releases, notable news) to the main Sophos blog. This blog is decreasingly suited for most of these announcements, as it is primarily reserved for PR type announcements. Announcements are also throttled, to minimize the number of posts to appear there per day, meaning that firmware announcements sometimes are delayed in posting, as a result. In order to avoid such restrictions, we have created a new blog here, where we will post firmware and product announcements, moving forward. 

We've created two new blogs. one for UTM 9, and one for XG Firewall

How do I stay up to date?

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Subscribe to this blog: Be sure to sign in, then subscribe to this blog, by turning notifications on, in the "More" menu

This will alert you via email, whenever new articles are posted.

RSS Reader

You may also subscribe in your preferred RSS/Atom feed reader, using the links below

UTM 9       RSS       ATOM
XG Firewall          RSS       ATOM


Follow us on twitter: @SophosSupport will begin announcing new firmware updates, and link to this blog. you can also follow @SophosSupport to stay current on the latest news.


Alan Toews

Technical Product Manager

  • 0 members are here
  • Hi Alan.

    That XG firewall RSS feed URL isn't playing nice in my 'Vienna' reader on OSX...  the UTM feed is fine, but the XG seems to be a simple web page.  

    • Thanks Az, fixed the link, and it should work as expected now.