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Software update failed

Hello everyone,

I'm having a strange problem. In our console (version 5.3.1) we're having the following message for the update manager: Software update failed, although download status seems to be OK. I already checked if the subscription is still OK, I even re-entered the password to see if there is no problem there, but all seems to be OK. Is this something I have to worry about?


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  • Hello Jo,

    Is this something I have to worry about?
    yes. I've never seen a Download status other than Last checked ... or Downloading binaries (if the latter persists something is stuck).
    Please check in the order of sparse to detailed information: Right-click View update manager details, LogViewer.exe and the SUMTrace logs. This should give details of the error. Perhaps first check if you're receiving the latest protection updates (Detection Data 5.44) and the SAV version (Recommended is, VE3.69.2) on the endpoints. If they are current it's likely not a pressing problem but should neverhteless be resolved.

    BTW - 5.3.1 is shown with a retirement date 30 Aüril 2017, you should consider upgrading.


  • Yeah, I know we should update, but for the moment there are still some XP's (I know :(  ), but we're eliminating them. As long these machines still exists, we cannot upgrade yet.


    When I look to the last succesful download, it sayys 26/09/2017 12:23:10

    If I check the latest protection file, for instance on my pc, it's from today at 09:14 (those are an ide and upd file)

    This is shown by the logviewer


    Does this help?

  • Hello Jo,

    so SUM failed to "self-update" (what's the version shown in the Update managers view?)
    There should be a SUMSelfUpdaterLog.txt in %ProgramData%\Sophos\Update Manager\Logs\, but it will tell you just the 1603. There should be an MSIxxxx.log in %windir\Temp\ from around 12:58:09 (or perhaps you'd have to adjust to your timezone) which hopefully tell more about the 1603.
