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Sophos XGS import doesn't recognize generated tarball

I want to create a WebFilterException template for use on several XGS firewals.  I extracted edited the Entites.xml file to strip out the built-in entries.  Then in terminal "tar cvf O365_Exceptions.tar Entities.xml". The resulting file will not import into another firewall, saying it's not a tar file.  What is the correct process for doing this?

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  • Hi Skyler,

    I'm struggling with the same.  A search shows a number of posts about the same issue.  

    My goal is to have a file to import with a lot of IP host objects that I exported from a v21 firewall.

    I open with 7Zip.  Navigate into the .\ folder and double click on Entities.xml.

    I edit with Notepad++ and save/exit.

    I go back to 7Zip and I am NOT prompted to update and all my changes are lost.

    I've also tried to delete Entities.xml from the tarball and replace it with an edited one.  Format is still not supported.

    My export was specifically IP Hosts and IP Host Groups.

    I remove all of the entries like this that I do not want to import.

    My saved Entities.xml now looks like this:

    I've asked the Documentation team to describe how to create the tarball.  7Zip has options but I have no idea what's needed and none of the other posts have that information either.

    • And I resolved it.

      Opened tarball in 7Zip.

      Open Entities.xml

      Edit to add and remove what I wanted.

      Missed a line - I had accidentally removed the highlighted line below. I found it by clicking on the first statement for each section, and Notepad++ highlights both the opening and closing statement. This entry didn't have the opening statement.  I copied from the original file.

      Added that line back in, and saved the file locally.

      Dragged that back into 7zip and it replaced the existing Entities.xml.  I was then able to successfully import.

      I added a different documentation update idea here >  https://community.sophos.com/product-documentation/i/feedback/please-describe-how-to-create-a-compatible-tar-ball

      In that, I demonstrated how I used VS Code to help validate the xml prior to replacing in the tarball. There may be better ways.

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