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KB-000036032 Sophos Firewall: Obtain a DHCP lease - request change of Topic

this is about

We were having a hard time with this issue described there. And I think the Topic of that KB is misleading because it describes general DHCP stuff.

I would suggest a change to something like: "Devices not getting dynamic DHCP lease when a static MAC-IP reservation exists"

An other real world scenario where we actually had this issue:

Sophos Central Wireless SSID with Guest network

Accesspoints in VLAN 1

Guests in VLAN 2

In VLAN 1 there are static MAC-IP reservations for the Accesspoints, no dynamic range

In VLAN 2 all IPs are leased dynamically

We need to find out the hard way that the Accesspoints want to get a DHCP addressnot only in their native VLAN 1 but also in the VLAN 2. So actually each AP has 2 IP addresses, with the same MAC address!

See here:

This does not work, if DHCP scope is not set to global as described in KB 000036032.

I ask to put this info in the documentation of wireless networking too.

Thanks for keeping the Documentation up2date.