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Protecting endpoints from SEC fails with error 0000002e on some clients

Hi all,

while most clients in my branch can be protected from the SEC without any problems it fails on a couple of clients. All are installed from the same image with same GPOs.

Searched for solutions and tried suggestions for this error but none worked.

I've checked that required ports are really open (openend by GPO anyyway), turned off the firewall temporarily, TaskSchedule, RemoteRegistry and WindowsInstaller services are running without any messages.

Clients can be pinged from the server with SEC, DNS is resolved

The local log shows no entries of sophos failures. The error message is quiet vague so I have no idea what to try else. Any ideas?


- Ulli -

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • Hello Ulli,

    the vague error message is konnte nicht gestartet werden, nehme ich an. 
    There haven't been any significant changes for years so this Failed to install Sophos from console thread is still valid.


    • Thank you,

      yes, "konnte nicht gestartet werden".

      Looks like the Sophos_InstTask coudln't be created. I just can't find out why not.....

      • Hello Ulli,

        debugging this is a pain. The user used with Protect should be able to create a task on the endpoint with schtasks from a Command Prompt on the SEC server. Might give a hint when it fails. IIRC an already existing Windows Profile for this user on the endpoint could interfere.  

        Given that SEC won't be around 15 months from now I'd not put too much effort into Protect but instead install by some other means when necessary.
