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After download Sophos Endpoint Security however I got error code 41


I have been using Sophos Home but there are one issue Sophos Home could not fix, I got a link to Sophos Endpoint after download I got the error code 41.

How to fix that?

I can not log in there ether it demands a Tamper password. Where is that password does admin work?



Thanks in advance 

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  • Hello Steff Patron,do I understand correctly that Sophos Home was already installed, you had some issue with it you couldn't solve, and subsequently tried to reinstall?
    Error 41 is an "early error", guess during extraction. There should be a log with Extract in its name in your %Temp% directory that should contain a more detailed description of the error.Christian

  • Hello Steff Patron,do I understand correctly that Sophos Home was already installed, you had some issue with it you couldn't solve, and subsequently tried to reinstall?
    Error 41 is an "early error", guess during extraction. There should be a log with Extract in its name in your %Temp% directory that should contain a more detailed description of the error.Christian
