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Enterprise console4.5/client9.5 - all PCs greyed out and won't report back, Help please!!

I had to reinstalled the console and it assigned itself a new certificate which was different to all the certificates on the existing clients. (I was unable to backup) when I reprotected the clients from the new console it does not automatically dish out a new certificate.

How do I distribute the new certificate?

Note: We have far too many computers to reinstall Sophos on. Plus many remote users :(



This thread was automatically locked due to age.
    '  HKLM\SOFTWARE\[Wow6432Node]\Sophos\ReInit = 1 is set as check.
    ' Will not continue if "Server" router, based on:
    '  HKLM\SOFTWARE\[Wow6432Node]\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\ConnectionCache
    ' being 10. 
    ' Run with -force to skip above checks.
    ' To configure:
    '   strLogPath  'Path to the log file                
    '   strMRInitLog  'Where to write the log file for ClientMRInit.exe              
    '   strFilePathMrInit 'Location of new mrinit.conf (local or UNC)          
    '   strFilePathCac  'Location of new cac.pen (local or UNC)       
    ' Note: The account running the script needs to be an admin on the client and be
    ' able to read from the path where mrinit.conf and cac.pem are shared.     
    option explicit
    on error resume next
    const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    const ROUTER_SERVICE     = "Sophos Message Router"
    const AGENT_SERVICE      = "Sophos Agent"
    const REINIT_EXE_FILE    = "ClientMRInit.exe"
    const WOW_KEY            = "Wow6432Node"
    dim strLogPath, strMRInitLog, strFilePathCac, strFilePathMrInit, blInline, strCac
    dim strMrinit, objArgs, strArg, intForceRun
    intForceRun = 0
    Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
    For Each strArg in objArgs
        if lcase(strArg) = "-force" then
          intForceRun = 1
        end if	
    blInline  = False   
    'True|False, If True the script will create cac.pem and mrinit.conf 
    'from the below variables, these will need to be edited for YOUR installation.
    strCac ="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" &vbcrlf &_
    "9ERUjbS17N3po40NfZClh2DwpaObGuFXl0pqw9aaVp54Qyx1MCXvPm3ajwROBzVh" &vbcrlf &_
    "U9ZFNQ3J92z5KS2yLuCgE6Fz024LlYU+BVkB1Mxa0awxCF6gFQdJEQvKXZnhaX1U" &vbcrlf &_
    "qTy/46KulGpCmaqlZSDVevXpGiP7PIS06nV9QgzY6IBb2Tz4HMQh9RUff+D8SBak" &vbcrlf &_
    "GXWdXHL1V6MZ9b6AMhbJz36hvuWLNm6hEon8g9HD+ntKCaw2CaneE+HNs3t6I6YG" &vbcrlf &_
    "cf0sCu9foZn6fmEo3QyaHgsQz517BxoV/4Of0JLftfhkdEdyxbk1o/PQH9nd/zH6" &vbcrlf &_
    "rmLTsjlnAgMBAAGjejB4MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRB4PRhtjU0a9z4Q7+oEUs+jgMPJDA5" &vbcrlf &_
    "BgNVHSMEMjAwgBRB4PRhtjU0a9z4Q7+oEUs+jgMPJKEVpBMwETEPMA0GA1UEAxQG" &vbcrlf &_
    "DQEBBAUAA4IBAQApa0X3qiiul2wVJbfDkY+fogDQRRbYbXQ+8zs/R8qcG2aeHmWf" &vbcrlf &_
    "fyl7fgfEclK3jwGelMwAgNWfcyK50cYZyEqKWF+7ZqSw7yjNFHeaFLqE2DiKbBfR" &vbcrlf &_
    "XsgLXZEjsQoIMUncv++N9pg8D7b3fKIVAsvqQYvu1oEOgDk18rImXYvoOy1/c/+z" &vbcrlf &_
    "2kRPNTiS+dKhtwogeX7oo+dQkUggu5rvrpZYxVOGBEc9hsYoCCQzfRDQtv5/U0p1" &vbcrlf &_
    "8wWdzETKXuMAEnT2PkL9yzwqSZ0tdg/NtA2untIW6Tiy7mXVSHTyvQiWU9BFrZXk" &vbcrlf &_
    "SzJwt4KzsdVReTsmYhE3ATUJbUFnOPfCky/e" &vbcrlf &_
    "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" &vbcrlf
    strMrinit = "[Config]" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """NotifyRouterUpdate""=""EM""" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """ClientIIOPPort""=dword:00002001" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """ClientSSLPort""=dword:00002002" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """ClientIORPort""=dword:00002000" &vbcrlf &_  
    """IORSenderPort""=dword:00002000" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """DelegatedManagerCertIdentityKey""=""s3IIjyQyBOiah2gMJ7lg15FmW2w=""" &vbcrlf &_  
    """ManagedAppCertIdentityKey""=""+lDc0ELrrIRnU14Nm3HV9ZZ4u20=""" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """RouterCertIdentityKey""=""qRS2iIVb8f5Ql3Y1SwJgOpB5vU0=""" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """ServiceArgs""=""""" &vbcrlf &_ 
    """MRParentAddress""="",p4,p4""" &vbcrlf &_  
    """ParentRouterAddress""="",p4,p4""" &vbcrlf 
    strLogPath                  = "C:\windows\temp\RMSReInit.log"
    strMRInitLog                = "C:\windows\temp"  'no trailing slash
    strFilePathMrInit           = "\\p4\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\mrinit.conf"
    strFilePathCac              = "\\p4\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\cac.pem"
    dim objFSO, objFile, strRMSPath, strWow6432Node,intPauseForServiceInSeconds
    strWow6432Node   = "\"
    intPauseForServiceInSeconds = 10
    set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogPath, true)
    WriteToLog 0, "Starting Script"
    if Is64() then
        strWow6432Node = "\" & WOW_KEY & "\"
        strWow6432Node = "\"
    end if
    if intForceRun = 0 then
        if MarkerFound() then
            WriteToLog 0, "End of script"
        end if
    	if ServerClassRouter() then
            WriteToLog 0, "End of script"
        end if
    	WriteToLog 0, "Running in Force mode (-force)"
    end if
    strRMSPath = GetRMSPath()
    If blInline then
       WriteToLog 0, "Creating Cac.pem and Mrinit.conf from script."
       CreateFile strCac, strRMSPath, "cac.pem"
       CreateFile strMrinit, strRMSPath, "mrinit.conf"
        WriteToLog 0, "Copying Cac.pem and Mrinit.conf from locations."
        CopyFiles strFilePathCac, strRMSPath
        CopyFiles strFilePathMrInit, strRMSPath
    end if
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System", "cac", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\CertificationIdentityKeys", "CertificationIdentityKey", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private", "pkc", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private", "pkp", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\CertificationIdentityKeys", "ManagedApplication", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "CertificationIdentityKey", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "pkc", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "pkp", "."
    'Only create marker if ClientMrinit.exe returned ok
    if RunClientMRInit(strRMSPath) = 0 then
    end if
    WriteToLog 0, "Ending Script"
    Set objFSO = nothing
    Function CreateFile (strContents, strLocation, strFileName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CreateFile()"
        dim objFileCreate
    	WriteToLog 0, "--> Creating file " & strFileName & " in " & strLocation
        Set objFileCreate = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLocation & "\" & strFileName, true, false)
    	objFileCreate.Write strContents
    	Set objFileCreate = nothing
    	 WriteToLog 0, "<-- CreateFile()"
    End Function
    Function WriteToLog (strSev, strLogLine)
        dim strToWrite
        strToWrite = ""
        select case strSev
            case 0
    	        strToWrite = "INFO: "
            case 1
    	        strToWrite = "ERROR: "
            case else
    	        strToWrite = "UNKNOWN: "
        end select
        objFile.WriteLine Date() & " " & Time() & " " & strToWrite & " " & strLogLine
    End Function
    Function CloseLog()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CloseLog() - No Function Exit Logged"
        set objFile = nothing
    End Function
    Function CreateMarker()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CreateMarker()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, intRetValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        intRetValue = oReg.SetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos" ,"ReInit", "1")
        if intRetValue = 0 then
            WriteToLog 0, "Created marker key." 
            WriteToLog 1, "Failed to create marker.  Error code " & intRetValue
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- CreateMarker()"	
    End Function
    Function ServerClassRouter()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> ServerClassRouter()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, intValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        	strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router" ,"ConnectionCache", intValue
        if intValue = 10 then
            WriteToLog 0, "Router is a client, ok to run"
            ServerClassRouter = false
            WriteToLog 1, "Router is a server router, will exit "
            ServerClassRouter = true
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- ServerClassRouter()"
    End Function
    Function MarkerFound()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> MarkerFound()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, strValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE" &_
        	strWow6432Node & "Sophos" ,"ReInit", strValue
        if strValue = "1" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Script already run, will exit."
            MarkerFound = true
            WriteToLog 0, "Script not already run."
            MarkerFound = false
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- MarkerFound()"
    End Function
    Function DeleteKey (strTopLevel, strKey, strName, strMachineName)
        WriteToLog 0,"--> DeleteKey()"	
    	on error resume next
        dim oReg, intReturn
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
        	strMachineName & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        WriteToLog 0, "Attemping to delete key: " &_
        	strMachineName & "\" & strTopLevel & "\" & strKey & "\" & strName
        intReturn = oReg.DeleteValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, strName )
        if intReturn <> 0 then
            DeleteKey = intReturn
            WriteToLog 1, "Failed to delete Key: " & intReturn
            WriteToLog 0, "Deleted Key: " & intReturn
            DeleteKey = intReturn
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- DeleteKey()"
    End Function
    Function StopService(strServiceName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> StopService()"
        on error resume next
        dim objWMIService, colServices, objService, intReturn
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
        Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_Service where name='" & strServiceName & "'")
        For each objService in colServices 
            intReturn = objService.StopService()
        wscript.sleep (intPauseForServiceInSeconds * 1000)
        WriteToLog 0, "Return code for stopping service: " & strServiceName & " : " & intReturn
        StopService = intReturn
        Set objWMIService = nothing
        Set colServices = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- StopService()"
    End function
    Function StartService(strServiceName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> StartService()"
        on error resume next
        dim objWMIService, objService, colServices, intReturn
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
        Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_Service where name='" & strServiceName & "'")
        For each objService in colServices 
            intReturn = objService.StartService()
        WriteToLog 0, "Return code for starting service: " & strServiceName & " : " & intReturn
        StartService = intReturn
        Set objWMIService = nothing
        Set colServices = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- StartService()"
    End function
    Function RunClientMRInit(strPathToExe)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> RunClientMRInit()"
        on error resume next
        dim intReturn, oShell, strSwitches, strCommand
        WriteToLog 0, "Running command: " & strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE 
        Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        if err.number <> 0 then
            WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        strSwitches = " -logpath " & strMRInitLog
        strSwitches = strSwitches & " -filepath" & " " & """" &  strPathToExe & """"
        strCommand  = """" & strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE & """" & strSwitches
        intReturn = oShell.Run(strCommand, 0, true)
        if intReturn <> 0 then
            WriteToLog 1, strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE &_
    			strSwitches & " Failed.  Exit code " & intReturn
            WriteToLog 0, strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE &_
        		strSwitches & " Completed OK.  Exit code " & intReturn
        end if
        RunClientMRInit = intReturn
        set oShell = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "--> RunClientMRInit()"
    End Function
    Function GetRMSPath()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> GetRMSPath()"
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, strValue, intReturn
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        intReturn = oReg.GetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" &_
    		strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router", "ServiceHomeDir", strValue)
        If strValue <> "" then
            WriteToLog 0, "RMS Path is " & strValue
            GetRMSPath = strValue
            WriteToLog 1, "Return code " & intReturn
        end if	
        set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- GetRMSPath()"
    End Function
    Function DeleteOrig(strFilePath)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> DeleteOrig()"
        on error resume next
        dim oFS, intReturn, strOrigPath
    	strOrigPath = strFilePath & "mrinit.conf.orig"
        set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If oFS.FileExists(strOrigPath) Then
            WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " Exists"
            intReturn = oFS.DeleteFile(strOrigPath,  true)
            if intReturn = 0 then
                 WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " deleted."
                 WriteToLog 1, strOrigPath & " Not deleted: Return code: " & intReturn
            end if
            WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " does not exist, carrying on."
        End If
        set oFS = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- DeleteOrig()"
    End Function
    Function CopyFiles(strFilePath, strDestination)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CopyFiles()"
        on error resume next
        dim oFS, intReturn
        set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If oFS.FileExists(strFilePath) Then
            WriteToLog 0, strFilePath & " Exists"
            intReturn = oFS.CopyFile(strFilePath, strDestination, true)
            if intReturn = 0 then
                 WriteToLog 0, strFilePath & " Copied to " & strDestination
                 WriteToLog 1, strFilePath & " Not copied to " & strDestination & " Return code: " & intReturn
            end if
            WriteToLog 1, strFilePath & " does not exist"
        End If
        set oFS = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- CopyFiles()"
    End Function
    Function Is64()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> Is64()"
        on error resume next
    	dim objWMIService, objColSettings, strDesc, objProcessor
    	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    	Set objColSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor") 
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
    	For Each objProcessor In objColSettings 
    		strDesc = objProcessor.AddressWidth 
        if strDesc = "86" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Platform is 32-Bit"
            Is64 = false
        end if
        if strDesc = "64" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Platform is 64-Bit"
            Is64 = true
        end if
        Set objWMIService = nothing
    set objColSettings = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- Is64()"
    End Function
  • Hi,

    I felt that the approach could be improved so here is a HTA that makes it easier to generate the VBScript file.

    RMS ReInit HTA

    Please save the following code in the next post as "RMSReinit.hta".  I'm having a hard time fitting it in 20,000 characters at the moment.  


  • <html><head><title>RMS Re-Init VBScript Creator</title>
    <script language="VBScript">
    const ForReading = 1
    dim strCac
    dim strMrinit
    dim strRouterIdentityKey
    Sub Window_onLoad
    	window.resizeTo 660,320
    End Sub
    Function ExitApp()
    End Function
    Function Help()
    	strHelpTxt = "HTA will generate a VBScript that can be run on clients that have certificate issues." &vbcrlf &_
    	"Provide the script with the location of the new files: cac.pem and mrinit.conf." &vbcrlf &_
    	"These files will then be embedded into the resultant VBScript file that is generated to make deployment easy." &vbcrlf &_
    	"You can also set the log file path of the script, that of the the RMS executable ClientMRInit.exe and the resultant VBScript file name." &vbcrlf &_
    	"The generated script will not run on a client if: " &vbcrlf &_
    	" 1. The machine is a 'Server' class instal of RMS (based on the ConnectionCache being anything other than 10)" &vbcrlf&_
    	" 2. If the Router identity key on the machine is already correct." &vbcrlf&_
    	" 3. If the script has alrready reparied the machine (a marker key hklm\software\[wow6432node]\sophos\ReInit is set to a 1" &vbcrlf &_
    	"The above 3 checks can be bypassed by running the resultant VBScript with the argument '-force'" &vbcrlf &_
    	"Important: The VBScript needs to be run on clients with local admin rights." &vbcrlf &_
    	"Please ensure the resultant VBScript is tested on a test client."
    	msgbox strHelpTxt, 64, "Help"
    End Function
    Function Run()
    	if CheckAllFieldsOK() then
    	end if
    End Function
    Function CheckAllFieldsOK() 
    	if strCorrectCacLocation.value="" then
    		msgbox ("Please enter a path to cac.pem")
    		CheckAllFieldsOK = false
    		exit function
    	End if
    	if strCorrectMrinitLocation.value="" then
    		msgbox ("Please enter a path to mrinit.conf")
    		CheckAllFieldsOK = false
    		exit function
    	End if
    	if strReinitLogPath.value="" then
    		msgbox ("Please enter a path for the script to log to")
    		CheckAllFieldsOK = false
    		exit function
    	End if
    	If strClientMRInitLogPath.value="" then
    		msgbox ("Please enter a path for the ClientMRInit.exe file to log to")
    		CheckAllFieldsOK = false
    		exit function
    	end if
    	if strScriptOutput.value="" then
    		msgbox ("Please enter a file name for the resultant script")
    		CheckAllFieldsOK = false
    		exit function
    	End if
    	CheckAllFieldsOK = true
    End Function
    Function StartCreatingScript()
    	strCac    = GetFileContents(strCorrectCacLocation.value)
    	strMrinit = GetFileContents(strCorrectMrinitLocation.value)
    	strRouterIdentityKey = GetRouterIdentityKey()
    End Function
    Function CreateVBS(strFilePath)
    	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFilePath, True)
    	strEndOfLine = chr(38) & "vbcrlf " & chr(38) & "_ "
    	objTextFile.WriteLine ("strCac = """"" & chr(38) & "_")
    	arrLinesCac = split (strCac, vblf)
    	for m = 0 to ubound(arrLinesCac)
    		if m <> ubound(arrLinesCac) then
    			objTextFile.WriteLine("""" & arrLinesCac(m) & """ " & strEndOfLine)
    			objTextFile.WriteLine("""" & arrLinesCac(m) & """ " )
    		end if
    	objTextFile.WriteLine("strLogPath =""" & strReinitLogPath.value &  """")
    	objTextFile.WriteLine("strMRInitLog =""" & strClientMRInitLogPath.value &  """")
    	arrLines = split (replace(strMrinit,"""",""""""), vbcrlf)
    	objTextFile.WriteLine ("strMrinit = """"" & chr(38) & "_")	
    	for n = 0 to ubound(arrLines)
    		if n <> ubound(arrLines) then
    			objTextFile.WriteLine("""" & arrLines(n) & """ " & strEndOfLine)
    			objTextFile.WriteLine("""" & arrLines(n) & """ " )
    		end if
    	objTextFile.WriteLine("strRouterCertIdentityKey="""& strRouterIdentityKey & """")
    	msgbox "Created " & strFilePath, "64", "RMS Re-Init VBScript Creator"
    	Set objFSO = nothing
    	Set objTextFile = nothing
    End Function
    Function GetRouterIdentityKey()
    	arrLinesInMrinit = split (strMrinit, vbcrlf)
    	for i = 0 to ubound(arrLinesInMrinit)
    		if instr(arrLinesInMrinit(i), "RouterCertIdentityKey") then
    			arrLine = split(arrLinesInMrinit(i),"""")
    			GetRouterIdentityKey = arrLine(3)
    		end if
    End Function
    Function GetFileContents(strPathToFile)
    	Dim objFSO, objReadFile, strContents
    	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	Set objReadFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPathToFile, ForReading, False)
    	GetFileContents = objReadFile.ReadAll
    	Set objFSO = Nothing
    	Set objReadFile = Nothing
    End function
    <style type="text/css">
    textarea {visibility: hidden;}
    h3{font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;}
    td{border-width: 1px; padding: 2px;	border-style: solid; border-color: gray; background-color: #ededed;	-moz-border-radius: ;}
    </style></head><body><center><h3>RMS Re-Init VBScript Creator</h3>
    	<table border="0"><tr><td>Cac.pem</td><td><input size="50" type="file" name="strCorrectCacLocation"></td></tr>
    	<tr><td>Mrinit.conf</td><td><input size="50" type="file" name="strCorrectMrinitLocation"></td></tr>
    	<tr><td>Re-Init VBScript log path</td><td><input size="50" type="text" name="strReinitLogPath" value="C:\windows\temp\Reinit.txt"></td></tr>
    	<tr><td>ClientMRInit.exe log path</td><td><input size="50" type="text" name="strClientMRInitLogPath" value="C:\windows\temp"></td></tr>
    	<tr><td>Output VBScript</td><td><input size="50" type="text" name="strScriptOutput" value="RMSReInit.vbs"></td></tr>
    	<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="button" onclick="ExitApp()" value="Exit">
    	<input type="button" onclick="Help()" value="Help">
    	<input type="button" onclick="Run()" value="Create VBScript"></td></tr></table></center>
    <textarea name="MainTop" col="0" rows="0">	
    'RMS ReInit
    option explicit
    on error resume next
    const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    const ROUTER_SERVICE     = "Sophos Message Router"
    const AGENT_SERVICE      = "Sophos Agent"
    const REINIT_EXE_FILE    = "ClientMRInit.exe"
    const WOW_KEY            = "Wow6432Node"
    dim strLogPath, strMRInitLog, strFilePathCac, strFilePathMrInit, strCac
    dim strMrinit, objArgs, strArg, intForceRun, strRouterCertIdentityKey
    intForceRun = 0
    Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
    For Each strArg in objArgs
        if lcase(strArg) = "-force" then
          intForceRun = 1
        end if	
    <textarea name="MainBottom" col="0" rows="0">
    dim objFSO, objFile, strRMSPath, strWow6432Node,intPauseForServiceInSeconds
    strWow6432Node   = "\"
    intPauseForServiceInSeconds = 10
    set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogPath, true)
    WriteToLog 0, "Starting Script"
    if Is64() then
        strWow6432Node = "\" & WOW_KEY & "\"
        strWow6432Node = "\"
    end if
    if intForceRun = 0 then
    	if RouterIdentityIsOK then
    		WriteToLog 0, "End of script"
    	end if
        if MarkerFound() then
            WriteToLog 0, "End of script"
        end if
    	if ServerClassRouter() then
            WriteToLog 0, "End of script"
        end if
    	WriteToLog 0, "Running in Force mode (-force)"
    end if
    strRMSPath = GetRMSPath()
    CreateFile strCac, strRMSPath, "cac.pem"
    CreateFile strMrinit, strRMSPath, "mrinit.conf"
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System", "cac", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\CertificationIdentityKeys", "CertificationIdentityKey", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private", "pkc", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router\Private", "pkp", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\CertificationIdentityKeys", "ManagedApplication", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "CertificationIdentityKey", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "pkc", "."
    DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Remote Management System\ManagementAgent\Private", "pkp", "."
    'Only create marker if ClientMrinit.exe returned ok
    if RunClientMRInit(strRMSPath) = 0 then
    end if
    WriteToLog 0, "Ending Script"
    Set objFSO = nothing
    Set objArgs = nothing
    <textarea name="Functions" col="0" rows="0">
    Function CreateFile (strContents, strLocation, strFileName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CreateFile()"
        dim objFileCreate
    	WriteToLog 0, "--> Creating file " & strFileName & " in " & strLocation
        Set objFileCreate = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLocation & "\" & strFileName, true, false)
    	objFileCreate.Write strContents
    	Set objFileCreate = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- CreateFile()"
    End Function
    Function RouterIdentityIsOK()
       WriteToLog 0, "--> RouterIdentityIsOK()"	
       on error resume next
       dim oReg, strValue
       Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
       if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        	err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
       end if
       oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE" &_
        	strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\CertificationIdentityKeys" ,"CertificationIdentityKey", strValue
       if strValue = strRouterCertIdentityKey then
            WriteToLog 0, "Router identity key in script is the same as the client: " & strValue
            RouterIdentityIsOK = true
            WriteToLog 0, "Router identity key in script is different from the client: " & strValue
            RouterIdentityIsOK = false
       end if
       Set oReg = nothing
       WriteToLog 0, "--> RouterIdentityIsOK()"	
    End Function
    Function WriteToLog (strSev, strLogLine)
        dim strToWrite
        strToWrite = ""
        select case strSev
            case 0
    	        strToWrite = "INFO: "
            case 1
    	        strToWrite = "ERROR: "
            case else
    	        strToWrite = "UNKNOWN: "
        end select
        objFile.WriteLine Date() & " " & Time() & " " & strToWrite & " " & strLogLine
    End Function
    Function CloseLog()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CloseLog() - No Function Exit Logged"
        set objFile = nothing
    End Function
    Function CreateMarker()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> CreateMarker()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, intRetValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        intRetValue = oReg.SetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" & strWow6432Node & "Sophos" ,"ReInit", "1")
        if intRetValue = 0 then
            WriteToLog 0, "Created marker key." 
            WriteToLog 1, "Failed to create marker.  Error code " & intRetValue
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- CreateMarker()"	
    End Function
    Function ServerClassRouter()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> ServerClassRouter()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, intValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        	strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router" ,"ConnectionCache", intValue
        if intValue = 10 then
            WriteToLog 0, "Router is a client, ok to run"
            ServerClassRouter = false
            WriteToLog 1, "Router is a server router, will exit "
            ServerClassRouter = true
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- ServerClassRouter()"
    End Function
    Function MarkerFound()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> MarkerFound()"	
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, strValue
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE" &_
        	strWow6432Node & "Sophos" ,"ReInit", strValue
        if strValue = "1" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Script already run, will exit."
            MarkerFound = true
            WriteToLog 0, "Script not already run."
            MarkerFound = false
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- MarkerFound()"
    End Function
    Function DeleteKey (strTopLevel, strKey, strName, strMachineName)
        WriteToLog 0,"--> DeleteKey()"	
    	on error resume next
        dim oReg, intReturn
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
        	strMachineName & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " &_
        		err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        WriteToLog 0, "Attemping to delete key: " &_
        	strMachineName & "\" & strTopLevel & "\" & strKey & "\" & strName
        intReturn = oReg.DeleteValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, strName )
        if intReturn <> 0 then
            DeleteKey = intReturn
            WriteToLog 1, "Failed to delete Key: " & intReturn
            WriteToLog 0, "Deleted Key: " & intReturn
            DeleteKey = intReturn
        end if
        Set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- DeleteKey()"
    End Function
    Function StopService(strServiceName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> StopService()"
        on error resume next
        dim objWMIService, colServices, objService, intReturn
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
        Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_Service where name='" & strServiceName & "'")
        For each objService in colServices 
            intReturn = objService.StopService()
        wscript.sleep (intPauseForServiceInSeconds * 1000)
        WriteToLog 0, "Return code for stopping service: " & strServiceName & " : " & intReturn
        StopService = intReturn
        Set objWMIService = nothing
        Set colServices = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- StopService()"
    End function
    Function StartService(strServiceName)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> StartService()"
        on error resume next
        dim objWMIService, objService, colServices, intReturn
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
        Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_Service where name='" & strServiceName & "'")
        For each objService in colServices 
            intReturn = objService.StartService()
        WriteToLog 0, "Return code for starting service: " & strServiceName & " : " & intReturn
        StartService = intReturn
        Set objWMIService = nothing
        Set colServices = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- StartService()"
    End function
    Function RunClientMRInit(strPathToExe)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> RunClientMRInit()"
        on error resume next
        dim intReturn, oShell, strSwitches, strCommand
        WriteToLog 0, "Running command: " & strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE 
        Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        if err.number <> 0 then
            WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        strSwitches = " -logpath " & strMRInitLog
        strSwitches = strSwitches & " -filepath" & " " & """" &  strPathToExe & """"
        strCommand  = """" & strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE & """" & strSwitches
        intReturn = oShell.Run(strCommand, 0, true)
        if intReturn <> 0 then
            WriteToLog 1, strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE &_
    			strSwitches & " Failed.  Exit code " & intReturn
            WriteToLog 0, strPathToExe & REINIT_EXE_FILE &_
        		strSwitches & " Completed OK.  Exit code " & intReturn
        end if
        RunClientMRInit = intReturn
        set oShell = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "--> RunClientMRInit()"
    End Function
    Function GetRMSPath()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> GetRMSPath()"
        on error resume next
        dim oReg, strValue, intReturn
        Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
        intReturn = oReg.GetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE" &_
    		strWow6432Node & "Sophos\Messaging System\Router", "ServiceHomeDir", strValue)
        If strValue <> "" then
            WriteToLog 0, "RMS Path is " & strValue
            GetRMSPath = strValue
            WriteToLog 1, "Return code " & intReturn
        end if	
        set oReg = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- GetRMSPath()"
    End Function
    Function DeleteOrig(strFilePath)
        WriteToLog 0, "--> DeleteOrig()"
        on error resume next
        dim oFS, intReturn, strOrigPath
    	strOrigPath = strFilePath & "mrinit.conf.orig"
        set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If oFS.FileExists(strOrigPath) Then
            WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " Exists"
            intReturn = oFS.DeleteFile(strOrigPath,  true)
            if intReturn = 0 then
                 WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " deleted."
                 WriteToLog 1, strOrigPath & " Not deleted: Return code: " & intReturn
            end if
            WriteToLog 0, strOrigPath & " does not exist, carrying on."
        End If
        set oFS = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- DeleteOrig()"
    End Function
    Function Is64()
        WriteToLog 0, "--> Is64()"
        on error resume next
    	dim objWMIService, objColSettings, strDesc, objProcessor
    	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    	Set objColSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor") 
        if err.number <> 0 then
    	    WriteToLog 1, "Error Number: " & err.number & " Error Description: " & err.description
        end if
    	For Each objProcessor In objColSettings 
    		strDesc = objProcessor.AddressWidth 
        if strDesc = "32" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Platform is 32-Bit"
            Is64 = false
        end if
        if strDesc = "64" then
            WriteToLog 0, "Platform is 64-Bit"
            Is64 = true
        end if
        Set objWMIService = nothing
    	set objColSettings = nothing
        WriteToLog 0, "<-- Is64()"
    End Function
  • Hi Jak,

    I’’’’ve tested it on three computers now. It worked on the XP computer, but didn’’’’t work on the Windows 7 computers.

    This is the Log:

    16/02/2011 4:52:24 p.m. INFO:  Starting Script

    16/02/2011 4:52:24 p.m. INFO:  --> Is64()

    16/02/2011 4:52:27 p.m. INFO:  Platform is 32-Bit

    16/02/2011 4:52:27 p.m. INFO:  <-- Is64()

    16/02/2011 4:52:27 p.m. INFO:  --> RouterIdentityIsOK()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  Router identity key in script is different from the client:

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  --> RouterIdentityIsOK()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  --> MarkerFound()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  Script not already run.

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  <-- MarkerFound()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  --> ServerClassRouter()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. ERROR:  Router is a server router, will exit

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  <-- ServerClassRouter()

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  End of script

    16/02/2011 4:52:28 p.m. INFO:  --> CloseLog() - No Function Exit Logged

    That is what we get on both a windows 7 computers not sure about 64bit as all I have tried are 32bit.

    Any ideas?


  • Hi,

    The script is exiting because it think it's running on a server class router,  the check for this is if:

    HKLM\Software\[wow6432node]Sophos\Messaging System\Router


    is anything other than 10.

    If you search the script for:

    Function ServerClassRouter()

    You can spot the check.

    So on a machine which is exiting with:

    "ERROR:  Router is a server router, will exit"

    does it have the above ConnectionCache key, if s, I can only assume the value is anything other than 10?

    If needed you can run the VBScript with:


    and this will skip all 3 checks:

    1. If the machine already has the correct identity key for the router

    2. The script has already run on the machine and fixed it

    3. If the machine appears to be a "Server" class router.

    The 3rd check and the one you're hitting is really to avoid breaking a message relay or SEC server.

    Also, did you use the HTA to generate a script?  My last post was a HTA version to generate a reinit script to make the process easier?



  • Ahh, do you have UAC on? Is it running with enough rights to read the above mentioned key,  If it fails to read the key it would not be 10 and therefore you would get this error.  Which is probably a good thing as it fails safe as it doesn't know what it can't read.

    If you right click on CMD and choose run as administrator, from that new command window run:

    cscript Reinit.vbs

    Does it then work?


  • Hi Jak,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    We have tested it on a windows 7 32bit box and it worked running it as administrator from CMD. We are yet to try it on a 64bit copy of windows 7 but are certain it will work.

    In  the next week we will try pushing it out remotely to a small group.

    Thanks once again for your help


  • Hi,

    Glad it's working.  Any problems please post them up.  

    Good job I put all that logging in now, it makes it easy to see where it gets to.


