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safeguard easy v4.30.1 uninstall/decrypt

Hello. i have task to gather data from my company old lenovo T500.
it has safeguard easy v4.30.1 on it

i do not have windows domain /admin password. but i know how to bypass both those

i have safequard user password.
i have several safequard admin username and passwords but not working 

to bypass win admin password i need to get in hdd C:

And with an encryption on. i cant get there.

login + F9 gives me screen with

CODE: 1A 2B 3C 4D 5E 6F 7G Type code. 
and asks for me to - enter Response below:

what would that mean?

i have several CD to decrypt Safeguard 4.5x  and so on

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  • Hi - It's working in challenge and response. It provides a code. You give this code to your IT suport and they provide the "answer"/response to your code. However SafeGuard Easy is an old product and it's End Of Life. It may be worth launching a support call with Sophos, but as the product has been cut off a good while ago - you may be out of options. You need to speak to the team/staff member that was/is responsible for encryption. If they DID get rid of the service, they should have had a decomission plan and have decrypted those laptops. They need access to that server to generate the reply code. You can then "unlock" those drives and decrypt. You need to remove SG Easy as soon as you've decrypted and replace with a newer and supported product.

    • thanks for information. i am IT support on this company (oss) Smiley

      We dont have safequard anymore in our company
      and old IT dudes found just those old admin IDs that i did not get work
      And decrypt cd. and after insert cd and F7 it gives blue screen with code
      STOP : 0X0000007B (0XF789E640, 0XC0000034) (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE)

      so. maybe we throw this T500 out the window? Smiley