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Sophos Safeguard



I have a number of Desktop PC's and Laptops that are at remote locations that don't require to be on our Domain as they are running Citrix.


We have been told to get them to work with Sophos Safeguard, we will need to import the certificate in the 'Personal' section of 'Certificates'.


The above has been tried with no success, can anyone help or suggest anything I am missing?


Kind regards, Dan Petford

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  • No it's not correct and would explain why the client can't resolve the secondary DMZ server (Your primary is the internal server right?)

    I would check the configuration MSI again - it's possible to unzip it using 7Zip or similar and view the contents 


    The secondary cert must be in the publically resolvable external hostname, as that's how the client will resolve the server address.  It would explain too why the domain bound client would resolve this address/DFS too.


    Can you use the configuration tool again to produce a "new" client MSI, extract and read the contents and then check the secondary cert address again?

    If it's the internal address still this will need to be corrected. I would suspect that applying the server configuration again to the secondary server should resolve this?

  • How do the domain clients sync, as they have the same secondary cert.

    It's very strange how a domain client that's not on our LAN or VPN is syncing?