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SafeGuard FileEncryption files to be decrypted.

Hi All,


I have a serious problem, 70 GB of my data is SafeGuard FileEncrypted and not able to bring back.

During tech refresh of my company laptop(Sophos enabled)(from WIN 7 to WIN 10), data was backed up to Ex-Hard disk by our IT-Support team.

After tech refresh when copied back back up to windows 10 , all files show as below and no data is accessible.

Kindly help here.


"SafeGuard FileEncryption
Copyright © 1998-2011 Sophos Group and Utimaco Safeware AG


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  • Hi Satya, 

    Please find below the two possible reasons for this issue:

    1. The component is not installed

    2. The key is missing

    To identify the reason for this issue, please check the icon on the file. If you don't see any icon it means that you do not have the component installed. If the icon is red, then it is that the Key is not available.

    If possible please share the screenshot of the icon on the file. Please go to  Control Panel > Right Click on Sophos Safeguard Client > Click on Modify/Change >  Click Next and share the screenshot under the Custom Setup

    Please find below the screenshot for your reference:

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi ,

    Yes the data seems to be with missing key.